1 twilight暮色-第71章
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under Jasper's careful supervision。
But Alice followed me casually; as if by some coincidence she had grown
tired of the front room at the same time。 I was beginning to wonder
exactly what sort of instructions Edward had given her。 I lay across the
bed; and she sat; legs folded; next to me。 I ignored her at first;
suddenly tired enough to sleep。 But after a few minutes; the panic that
had held off in Jasper's presence began to make itself known。 I gave up
on the idea of sleep quickly then; curling up into a small ball; wrapping
my arms around my legs。
〃Alice?〃 I asked。
I kept my voice very calm。 〃What do you think they're doing?〃
〃Carlisle wanted to lead the tracker as far north as possible; wait for
him to get close; and then turn and ambush him。 Esme and Rosalie were
supposed to head west as long as they could keep the female behind them。
If she turned around; they were to head back to Forks and keep an eye on
your dad。 So I imagine things are going well if they can't call。 It means
the tracker is close enough that they don't want him to overhear。〃
〃And Esme?〃
〃I think she must be back in Forks。 She won't call if there's any chance
the female will overhear。 I expect they're all just being very careful。〃
〃Do you think they're safe; really?〃
〃Bella; how many times do we have to tell you that there's no danger to
〃Would you tell me the truth; though?〃
〃Yes。 I will always tell you the truth。〃 Her voice was earnest。
I deliberated for a moment; and decided she meant it。
〃Tell me then… how do you bee a vampire?〃
My question caught her off guard。 She was quiet。 I rolled over to look at
her; and her expression seemed ambivalent。
〃Edward doesn't want me to tell you that;〃 she said firmly; but I sensed
she didn't agree。
〃That's not fair。 I think I have a right to know。〃
〃I know。〃
I looked at her; waiting。
She sighed。 〃He'll be extremely angry。〃
〃It's none of his business。 This is between you and me。 Alice; as a
friend; I'm begging you。〃 And we were friends now; somehow — as she must
have known we would be all along。
She looked at me with her splendid; wise eyes… choosing。
〃I'll tell you the mechanics of it;〃 she said finally; 〃but I don't
remember it myself; and I've never done it or seen it done; so keep in
mind that I can only tell you the theory。〃
I waited。
〃As predators; we have a glut of weapons in our physical arsenal — much;
much more than really necessary。 The strength; the speed; the acute
senses; not to mention those of us like Edward; Jasper; and I; who have
extra senses as well。 And then; like a carnivorous flower; we are
physically attractive to our prey。〃
I was very still; remembering how pointedly Edward had demonstrated the
same concept for me in the meadow。
She smiled a wide; ominous smile。 〃We have another fairly superfluous
weapon。 We're also venomous;〃 she said; her teeth glistening。 〃The venom
doesn't kill — it's merely incapacitating。 It works slowly; spreading
through the bloodstream; so that; once bitten; our prey is in too much
physical pain to escape us。 Mostly superfluous; as I said。 If we're that
close; the prey doesn't escape。 Of course; there are always exceptions。
Carlisle; for example。〃
〃So… if the venom is left to spread…〃 I murmured。
〃It takes a few days for the transformation to be plete; depending on
how much venom is in the bloodstream; how close the venom enters to the
heart。 As long as the heart keeps beating; the poison spreads; healing;
changing the body as it moves through it。 Eventually the heart stops; and
the conversion is finished。 But all that time; every minute of it; a
victim would be wishing for death。〃
I shivered。
〃It's not pleasant; you see。〃
〃Edward said that it was very hard to do… I don't quite understand;〃 I
〃We're also like sharks in a way。 Once we taste the blood; or even smell
it for that matter; it bees very hard to keep from feeding。 Sometimes
impossible。 So you see; to actually bite someone; to taste the blood; it
would begin the frenzy。 It's difficult on both sides — the bloodlust on
the one hand; the awful pain on the other。〃
〃Why do you think you don't remember?〃
〃I don't know。 For everyone else; the pain of transformation is the
sharpest memory they have of their human life。 I remember nothing of
being human。〃 Her voice was wistful。
We lay silently; wrapped in our individual meditations。
The seconds ticked by; and I had almost forgotten her presence; I was so
enveloped in my thoughts。
Then; without any warning; Alice leaped from the bed; landing lightly on
her feet。 My head jerked up as I stared at her; startled。
〃Something's changed。〃 Her voice was urgent; and she wasn't talking to me
She reached the door at the same time Jasper did。 He had obviously heard
our conversation and her sudden exclamation。 He put his hands on her
shoulders and guided her back to the bed; sitting her on the edge。
〃What do you see?〃 he asked intently; staring into her eyes。 Her eyes
were focused on something very far away。 I sat close to her; leaning in
to catch her low; quick voice。
〃I see a room。 It's long; and there are mirrors everywhere。 The floor is
wooden。 He's in the room; and he's waiting。 There's gold… a gold stripe
across the mirrors。〃
〃Where is the room?〃
〃I don't know。 Something is missing — another decision hasn't been made
〃How much time?〃
〃It's soon。 He'll be in the mirror room today; or maybe tomorrow。 It all
depends。 He's waiting for something。 And he's in the dark now。〃
Jasper's voice was calm; methodical; as he questioned her in a practiced
way。 〃What is he doing?〃
〃He's watching TV… no; he's running a VCR; in the dark; in another place。〃
〃Can you see where he is?〃
〃No; it's too dark。〃
〃And the mirror room; what else is there?〃
〃Just the mirrors; and the gold。 It's a band; around the room。 And
there's a black table with a big stereo; and a TV。 He's touching the VCR
there; but he doesn't watch the way he does in the dark room。 This is the
room where he waits。〃 Her eyes drifted; then focused on Jasper's face。
〃There's nothing else?〃
She shook her head。 They looked at each other; motionless。
〃What does it mean?〃 I asked。
Neither of them answered for a moment; then Jasper looked at me。
〃It means the tracker's plans have changed。 He's made a decision that
will lead him to the mirror room; and the dark room。〃
〃But we don't know where those rooms are?〃
〃But we do know that he won't be in the mountains north of Washington;
being hunted。 He'll elude them。〃 Alice's voice was bleak。
〃Should we call?〃 I asked。 They traded a serious look; undecided。
And the phone rang。
Alice was across the room before I could lift my head to look at it。
She pushed a button and held the phone to her ear; but she didn't speak
〃Carlisle;〃 she breathed。 She didn't seem surprised or relieved; the way
I felt。
〃Yes;〃 she said; glancing at me。 She listened for a long moment。
〃I just saw him。〃 She described again the vision she'd seen。 〃Whatever
made him get on that plane… it was leading him to those rooms。〃 She
paused。 〃Yes;〃 Alice said into the phone; and then she spoke to me。
She held the phone out toward me。 I ran to it。
〃Hello?〃 I breathed。
〃Bella;〃 Edward said。
〃Oh; Edward! I was so worried。〃
〃Bella;〃 he sighed in frustration; 〃I told you not to worry about
anything but yourself。〃 It was so unbelievably good to hear his voice。 I
felt the hovering cloud of despair lighten and drift back as he spoke。
〃Where are you?〃
〃We're outside of Vancouver。 Bella; I'm sorry — we lost him。 He seems
suspicious of us — he's careful to stay just far enough away that I can't
hear what he's thinking。 But he's gone now — it looks like he got on a
plane。 We think he's heading back to Forks to start over。〃 I could hear
Alice filling in Jasper behind me; her quick words blurring together into
a humming noise。
〃I know。 Alice saw that