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1 twilight暮色-第63章

小说: 1 twilight暮色 字数: 每页3500字

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easy victory。 

He kissed slowly down my cheek; stopping just at the corner of my mouth。 

〃Would I let a tree hurt you?〃 His lips barely brushed against my 
trembling lower lip。 

〃No;〃 I breathed。 I knew there was a second part to my brilliant defense; 
but I couldn't quite call it back。 

〃You see;〃 he said; his lips moving against mine。 〃There's nothing to be 
afraid of; is there?〃 

〃No;〃 I sighed; giving up。 

Then he took my face in his hands almost roughly; and kissed me in 
earnest; his unyielding lips moving against mine。 

There really was no excuse for my behavior。 Obviously I knew better by 
now。 And yet I couldn't seem to stop from reacting exactly as I had the 
first time。 Instead of keeping safely motionless; my arms reached up to 
twine tightly around his neck; and I was suddenly welded to his stone 
figure。 I sighed; and my lips parted。 

He staggered back; breaking my grip effortlessly。 

〃Damn it; Bella!〃 he broke off; gasping。 〃You'll be the death of me; I 
swear you will。〃 

I leaned over; bracing my hands against my knees for support。 

〃You're indestructible;〃 I mumbled; trying to catch my breath。 

〃I might have believed that before I met you。 Now let's get out of here 
before I do something really stupid;〃 he growled。 

He threw me across his back as he had before; and I could see the extra 
effort it took for him to be as gentle as he was。 I locked my legs around 
his waist and secured my arms in a choke hold around his neck。 

〃Don't forget to close your eyes;〃 he warned severely。 

I quickly tucked my face into his shoulder blade; under my own arm; and 
squeezed my eyes shut。 

And I could hardly tell we were moving。 I could feel him gliding along 
beneath me; but he could have been strolling down the sidewalk; the 
movement was so smooth。 I was tempted to peek; just to see if he was 
really flying through the forest like before; but I resisted。 It wasn't 
worth that awful dizziness。 I contented myself with listening to his 
breath e and go evenly。 

I wasn't quite sure we had stopped until he reached back and touched my 

〃It's over; Bella。〃 

I dared to open my eyes; and; sure enough; we were at a standstill。 I 
stiffly unlocked my stranglehold on his body and slipped to the ground; 
landing on my backside。 

〃Oh!〃 I huffed as I hit the wet ground。 

He stared at me incredulously; evidently not sure whether he was still 
too mad to find me funny。 But my bewildered expression pushed him over 
the edge; and he broke into a roar of laughter。 

I picked myself up; ignoring him as I brushed the mud and bracken off the 
back of my jacket。 That only made him laugh harder。 Annoyed; I began to 
stride off into the forest。 

I felt his arm around my waist。 

〃Where are you going; Bella?〃 

〃To watch a baseball game。 You don't seem to be interested in playing 
anymore; but I'm sure the others will have fun without you。〃 

〃You're going the wrong way。〃 

I turned around without looking at him; and stalked off in the opposite 
direction。 He caught me again。 

〃Don't be mad; I couldn't help myself。 You should have seen your face。〃 
He chuckled before he could stop himself。 

〃Oh; you're the only one who's allowed to get mad?〃 I asked; raising my 

〃I wasn't mad at you。〃 

〃'Bella; you'll be the death of me'?〃 I quoted sourly。 

〃That was simply a statement of fact。〃 

I tried to turn away from him again; but he held me fast。 

〃You were mad;〃 I insisted。 


〃But you just said —〃 

〃That I wasn't mad at you。 Can't you see that; Bella?〃 He was suddenly 
intense; all trace of teasing gone。 〃Don't you understand?〃 

〃See what?〃 I demanded; confused by his sudden mood swing as much as his 

〃I'm never angry with you — how could I be? Brave; trusting… warm as you 

〃Then why?〃 I whispered; remembering the black moods that pulled him away 
from me; that I'd always interpreted as welljustified frustration — 
frustration at my weakness; my slowness; my unruly human reactions… 

He put his hands carefully on both sides of my face。 〃I infuriate 
myself;〃 he said gently。 〃The way I can't seem to keep from putting you 
in danger。 My very existence puts you at risk。 Sometimes I truly hate 
myself。 I should be stronger; I should be able to —〃 

I placed my hand over his mouth。 〃Don't。〃 

He took my hand; moving it from his lips; but holding it to his face。 

〃I love you;〃 he said。 〃It's a poor excuse for what I'm doing; but it's 
still true。〃 

It was the first time he'd said he loved me — in so many words。 He might 
not realize it; but I certainly did。 

〃Now; please try to behave yourself;〃 he continued; and he bent to softly 
brush his lips against mine。 

I held properly still。 Then I sighed。 

〃You promised Chief Swan that you would have me home early; remember? 
We'd better get going。〃 

〃Yes; ma'am。〃 

He smiled wistfully and released all of me but one hand。 He led me a few 
feet through the tall; wet ferns and draping moss; around a massive 
hemlock tree; and we were there; on the edge of an enormous open field in 
the lap of the Olympic peaks。 It was twice the size of any baseball 

I could see the others all there; Esme; Emmett; and Rosalie; sitting on a 
bare outcropping of rock; were the closest to us; maybe a hundred yards 
away。 Much farther out I could see Jasper and Alice; at least a quarter 
of a mile apart; appearing to throw something back and forth; but I never 
saw any ball。 It looked like Carlisle was marking bases; but could they 
really be that far apart? 

When we came into view; the three on the rocks rose。 

Esme started toward us。 Emmett followed after a long look at Rosalie's 

back; Rosalie had risen gracefully and strode off toward the field 
without a glance in our direction。 My stomach quivered uneasily in 

〃Was that you we heard; Edward?〃 Esme asked as she approached。 

〃It sounded like a bear choking;〃 Emmett clarified。 

I smiled hesitantly at Esme。 〃That was him。〃 

〃Bella was being unintentionally funny;〃 Edward explained; quickly 
settling the score。 

Alice had left her position and was running; or dancing; toward us。 She 
hurtled to a fluid stop at our feet。 〃It's time;〃 she announced。 

As soon as she spoke; a deep rumble of thunder shook the forest beyond 
us; and then crashed westward toward town。 

〃Eerie; isn't it?〃 Emmett said with easy familiarity; winking at me。 

〃Let's go。〃 Alice reached for Emmett's hand and they darted toward the 
oversized field; she ran like a gazelle。 He was nearly as graceful and 
just as fast — yet Emmett could never be pared to a gazelle。 

〃Are you ready for some ball?〃 Edward asked; his eyes eager; bright。 

I tried to sound appropriately enthusiastic。 〃Go team!〃 

He snickered and; after mussing my hair; bounded off after the other two。 
His run was more aggressive; a cheetah rather than a gazelle; and he 
quickly overtook them。 The grace and power took my breath away。 

〃Shall we go down?〃 Esme asked in her soft; melodic voice; and I realized 
I was staring openmouthed after him。 I quickly reassembled my expression 
and nodded。 Esme kept a few feet between us; and I wondered if she was 
still being careful not to frighten me。 She matched her stride to mine 
without seeming impatient at the pace。 

〃You don't play with them?〃 I asked shyly。 

〃No; I prefer to referee — I like keeping them honest;〃 she explained。 

〃Do they like to cheat; then?〃 

〃Oh yes — you should hear the arguments they get into! Actually; I hope 
you don't; you would think they were raised by a pack of wolves。〃 

〃You sound like my mom;〃 I laughed; surprised。 

She laughed; too。 〃Well; I do think of them as my children in most ways。 
I never could get over my mothering instincts — did Edward tell you I had 
lost a child?〃 

〃No;〃 I murmured; stunned; scrambling to understand what lifetime she was 

〃Yes; my first and only baby。 He died just a few days after he was born; 
the poor tiny thing;〃 she sighed。 〃It broke my heart — that's why I 
jumped off the cliff; you know;〃 she added

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