叉叉电子书 > 文学电子书 > 1 twilight暮色 >


1 twilight暮色-第51章

小说: 1 twilight暮色 字数: 每页3500字

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one other family like ours; in a small village in Alaska。 We lived 
together for a time; but there were so many of us that we became too 
noticeable。 Those of us who live… differently tend to band together。〃 

〃And the others?〃 

〃Nomads; for the most part。 We've all lived that way at times。 It gets 
tedious; like anything else。 But we run across the others now and then; 
because most of us prefer the North。〃 

〃Why is that?〃 

We were parked in front of my house now; and he'd turned off the truck。 
It was very quiet and dark; there was no moon。 The porch light was off so 
I knew my father wasn't home yet。 

〃Did you have your eyes open this afternoon?〃 he teased。 〃Do you think I 
could walk down the street in the sunlight without causing traffic 
accidents? There's a reason why we chose the Olympic Peninsula; one of 
the most sunless places in the world。 It's nice to be able to go outside 
in the day。 You wouldn't believe how tired you can get of nighttime in 
eightyodd years。〃 

〃So that's where the legends came from?〃 


〃And Alice came from another family; like Jasper?〃 

〃No; and that is a mystery。 Alice doesn't remember her human life at all。 
And she doesn't know who created her。 She awoke alone。 Whoever made her 
walked away; and none of us understand why; or how; he could。 If she 
hadn't had that other sense; if she hadn't seen Jasper and Carlisle and 
known that she would someday bee one of us; she probably would have 
turned into a total savage。〃 

There was so much to think through; so much I still wanted to ask。 But; 
to my great embarrassment; my stomach growled。 I'd been so intrigued; I 
hadn't even noticed I was hungry。 I realized now that I was ravenous。 

〃I'm sorry; I'm keeping you from dinner。〃 

〃I'm fine; really。〃 

〃I've never spent much time around anyone who eats food。 I forget。〃 

〃I want to stay with you。〃 It was easier to say in the darkness; knowing 
as I spoke how my voice would betray me; my hopeless addiction to him。 

〃Can't I e in?〃 he asked。 

〃Would you like to?〃 I couldn't picture it; this godlike creature sitting 
in my father's shabby kitchen chair。 

〃Yes; if it's all right。〃 I heard the door close quietly; and almost 
simultaneously he was outside my door; opening it for me。 

〃Very human;〃 I plimented him。 

〃It's definitely resurfacing。〃 

He walked beside me in the night; so quietly I had to peek at him 
constantly to be sure he was still there。 In the darkness he looked much 
more normal。 Still pale; still dreamlike in his beauty; but no longer the 
fantastic sparkling creature of our sunlit afternoon。 

He reached the door ahead of me and opened it for me。 I paused halfway 
through the frame。 

〃The door was unlocked?〃 

〃No; I used the key from under the eave。〃 

I stepped inside; flicked on the porch light; and turned to look at him 
with my eyebrows raised。 I was sure I'd never used that key in front of 

〃I was curious about you。〃 

〃You spied on me?〃 But somehow I couldn't infuse my voice with the proper 
outrage。 I was flattered。 

He was unrepentant。 〃What else is there to do at night?〃 

I let it go for the moment and went down the hall to the kitchen。 He was 
there before me; needing no guide。 He sat in the very chair I'd tried to 
picture him in。 His beauty lit up the kitchen。 It was a moment before I 
could look away。 

I concentrated on getting my dinner; taking last night's lasagna from the 
fridge; placing a square on a plate; heating it in the microwave。 It 
revolved; filling the kitchen with the smell of tomatoes and oregano。 I 
didn't take my eyes from the plate of food as I spoke。 

〃How often?〃 I asked casually。 

〃Hmmm?〃 He sounded as if I had pulled him from some other train of 

I still didn't turn around。 〃How often did you e here?〃 

〃I e here almost every night。〃 

I whirled; stunned。 〃Why?〃 

〃You're interesting when you sleep。〃 He spoke matteroffactly。 〃You 

〃No!〃 I gasped; heat flooding my face all the way to my hairline。 I 
gripped the kitchen counter for support。 I knew I talked in my sleep; of 
course; my mother teased me about it。 I hadn't thought it was something I 
needed to worry about here; though。 

His expression shifted instantly to chagrin。 〃Are you very angry with me?〃 

〃That depends!〃 I felt and sounded like I'd had the breath knocked out of 

He waited。 

〃On?〃 he urged。 

〃What you heard!〃 I wailed。 

Instantly; silently; he was at my side; taking my hands carefully in his。 

〃Don't be upset!〃 he pleaded。 He dropped his face to the level of my 
eyes; holding my gaze。 I was embarrassed。 I tried to look away。 

〃You miss your mother;〃 he whispered。 〃You worry about her。 And when it 
rains; the sound makes you restless。 You used to talk about home a lot; 
but it's less often now。 Once you said; 'It's too green。'〃 He laughed 
softly; hoping; I could see; not to offend me further。 

〃Anything else?〃 I demanded。 

He knew what I was getting at。 〃You did say my name;〃 he admitted。 

I sighed in defeat。 〃A lot?〃 

〃How much do you mean by 'a lot;' exactly?〃 

〃Oh no!〃 I hung my head。 

He pulled me against his chest; softly; naturally。 

〃Don't be selfconscious;〃 he whispered in my ear。 〃If I could dream at 
all; it would be about you。 And I'm not ashamed of it。〃 

Then we both heard the sound of tires on the brick driveway; saw the 
headlights flash through the front windows; down the hall to us。 I 
stiffened in his arms。 

〃Should your father know I'm here?〃 he asked。 

〃I'm not sure…〃 I tried to think it through quickly。 

〃Another time then…〃 

And I was alone。 

〃Edward!〃 I hissed。 

I heard a ghostly chuckle; then nothing else。 

My father's key turned in the door。 

〃Bella?〃 he called。 It had bothered me before; who else would it be? 
Suddenly he didn't seem so far off base。 

〃In here。〃 I hoped he couldn't hear the hysterical edge to my voice。 I 
grabbed my dinner from the microwave and sat at the table as he walked 
in。 His footsteps sounded so noisy after my day with Edward。 

〃Can you get me some of that? I'm bushed。〃 He stepped on the heels of his 
boots to take them off; holding the back of Edward's chair for support。 

I took my food with me; scarfing it down as I got his dinner。 It burned 
my tongue。 I filled two glasses with milk while his lasagna was heating; 
and gulped mine to put out the fire。 As I set the glass down; I noticed 
the milk trembling and realized my hand was shaking。 Charlie sat in the 
chair; and the contrast between him and its former occupant was ical。 

〃Thanks;〃 he said as I placed his food on the table。 

〃How was your day?〃 I asked。 The words were rushed; I was dying to escape 
to my room。 

〃Good。 The fish were biting… how about you? Did you get everything done 
that you wanted to?〃 

〃Not really — it was too nice out to stay indoors。〃 I took another big 

〃It was a nice day;〃 he agreed。 What an understatement; I thought to 

Finished with the last bite of lasagna; I lifted my glass and chugged the 
remains of my milk。 

Charlie surprised me by being observant。 〃In a hurry?〃 

〃Yeah; I'm tired。 I'm going to bed early。〃 

〃You look kinda keyed up;〃 he noted。 Why; oh why; did this have to be his 
night to pay attention? 

〃Do I?〃 was all I could manage in response。 I quickly scrubbed my dishes 
clean in the sink; and placed them upside down on a dish towel to dry。 

〃It's Saturday;〃 he mused。 

I didn't respond。 

〃No plans tonight?〃 he asked suddenly。 

〃No; Dad; I just want to get some sleep。〃 

〃None of the boys in town your type; eh?〃 He was suspicious; but trying 
to play it cool。 

〃No; none of the boys have caught my eye yet。〃 I was careful not to 
overemphasize the word boys in my quest to be truthful with Charlie。 

〃I thought maybe that Mike Newton… you said he was friendly。〃 

〃He's Just a friend; Dad。〃 

〃Well; you're too good for them all; anyway。 Wait till you get to college 
to start looking。〃 Every father's dream; that his daughter will be out of 
the house before the hormones kick in。 

〃Sounds like 

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