1 twilight暮色-第47章
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A moment passed as he assembled his thoughts。
〃You know how everyone enjoys different flavors?〃 he began。 〃Some people
love chocolate ice cream; others prefer strawberry?〃
I nodded。
〃Sorry about the food analogy — I couldn't think of another way to
I smiled。 He smiled ruefully back。
〃You see; every person smells different; has a different essence。 If you
locked an alcoholic in a room full of stale beer; he'd gladly drink it。
But he could resist; if he wished to; if he were a recovering alcoholic。
Now let's say you placed in that room a glass of hundredyearold brandy;
the rarest; finest cognac — and filled the room with its warm aroma — how
do you think he would fare then?〃
We sat silently; looking into each other's eyes — trying to read each
other's thoughts。
He broke the silence first。
〃Maybe that's not the right parison。 Maybe it would be too easy to
turn down the brandy。 Perhaps I should have made our alcoholic a heroin
addict instead。〃
〃So what you're saying is; I'm your brand of heroin?〃 I teased; trying to
lighten the mood。
He smiled swiftly; seeming to appreciate my effort。 〃Yes; you are exactly
my brand of heroin。〃
〃Does that happen often?〃 I asked。
He looked across the treetops; thinking through his response。
〃I spoke to my brothers about it。〃 He still stared into the distance。 〃To
Jasper; every one of you is much the same。 He's the most recent to join
our family。 It's a struggle for him to abstain at all。 He hasn't had time
to grow sensitive to the differences in smell; in flavor。〃 He glanced
swiftly at me; his expression apologetic。
〃Sorry;〃 he said。
〃I don't mind。 Please don't worry about offending me; or frightening me;
or whichever。 That's the way you think。 I can understand; or I can try to
at least。 Just explain however you can。〃
He took a deep breath and gazed at the sky again。
〃So Jasper wasn't sure if he'd ever e across someone who was as〃 — he
hesitated; looking for the right word — 〃appealing as you are to me。
Which makes me think not。 Emmett has been on the wagon longer; so to
speak; and he understood what I meant。 He says twice; for him; once
stronger than the other。〃
〃And for you?〃
The word hung there for a moment in the warm breeze。
〃What did Emmett do?〃 I asked to break the silence。
It was the wrong question to ask。 His face grew dark; his hand clenched
into a fist inside mine。 He looked away。 I waited; but he wasn't going to
〃I guess I know;〃 I finally said。
He lifted his eyes; his expression was wistful; pleading。
〃Even the strongest of us fall off the wagon; don't we?〃
〃What are you asking? My permission?〃 My voice was sharper than I'd
intended。 I tried to make my tone kinder — I could guess what his honesty
must cost him。 〃I mean; is there no hope; then?〃 How calmly I could
discuss my own death!
〃No; no!〃 He was instantly contrite。 〃Of course there's hope! I mean; of
course I won't…〃 He left the sentence hanging。 His eyes burned into mine。
〃It's different for us。 Emmett… these were strangers he happened across。
It was a long time ago; and he wasn't as… practiced; as careful; as he is
He fell silent and watched me intently as I thought it through。
〃So if we'd met… oh; in a dark alley or something…〃 I trailed off。
〃It took everything I had not to jump up in the middle of that class full
of children and —〃 He stopped abruptly; looking away。 〃When you walked
past me; I could have ruined everything Carlisle has built for us; right
then and there。 If I hadn't been denying my thirst for the last; well;
too many years; I wouldn't have been able to stop myself。〃 He paused;
scowling at the trees。
He glanced at me grimly; both of us remembering。 〃You must have thought I
was possessed。〃
〃I couldn't understand why。 How you could hate me so quickly…〃
〃To me; it was like you were some kind of demon; summoned straight from
my own personal hell to ruin me。 The fragrance ing off your skin… I
thought it would make me deranged that first day。 In that one hour; I
thought of a hundred different ways to lure you from the room with me; to
get you alone。 And I fought them each back; thinking of my family; what I
could do to them。 I had to run out; to get away before I could speak the
words that would make you follow…〃
He looked up then at my staggered expression as I tried to absorb his
bitter memories。 His golden eyes scorched from under his lashes; hypnotic
and deadly。
〃You would have e;〃 he promised。
I tried to speak calmly。 〃Without a doubt。〃
He frowned down at my hands; releasing me from the force of his stare。
〃And then; as I tried to rearrange my schedule in a pointless attempt to
avoid you; you were there — in that close; warm little room; the scent
was maddening。 I so very nearly took you then。 There was only one other
frail human there — so easily dealt with。〃
I shivered in the warm sun; seeing my memories anew through his eyes;
only now grasping the danger。 Poor Ms。 Cope; I shivered again at how
close I'd e to being inadvertently responsible for her death。
〃But I resisted。 I don't know how。 I forced myself not to wait for you;
not to follow you from the school。 It was easier outside; when I couldn't
smell you anymore; to think clearly; to make the right decision。 I left
the others near home — I was too ashamed to tell them how weak I was;
they only knew something was very wrong — and then I went straight to
Carlisle; at the hospital; to tell him I was leaving。〃
I stared in surprise。
〃I traded cars with him — he had a full tank of gas and I didn't want to
stop。 I didn't dare to go home; to face Esme。 She wouldn't have let me go
without a scene。 She would have tried to convince me that it wasn't
〃By the next morning I was in Alaska。〃 He sounded ashamed; as if
admitting a great cowardice。 〃I spent two days there; with some old
acquaintances… but I was homesick。 I hated knowing I'd upset Esme; and
the rest of them; my adopted family。 In the pure air of the mountains it
was hard to believe you were so irresistible。 I convinced myself it was
weak to run away。 I'd dealt with temptation before; not of this
magnitude; not even close; but I was strong。 Who were you; an
insignificant little girl〃 — he grinned suddenly — 〃to chase me from the
place I wanted to be? So I came back…〃 He stared off into space。
I couldn't speak。
〃I took precautions; hunting; feeding more than usual before seeing you
again。 I was sure that I was strong enough to treat you like any other
human。 I was arrogant about it。
〃It was unquestionably a plication that I couldn't simply read your
thoughts to know what your reaction was to me。 I wasn't used to having to
go to such circuitous measures; listening to your words in Jessica's
mind… her mind isn't very original; and it was annoying to have to stoop
to that。 And then I couldn't know if you really meant what you said。 It
was all extremely irritating。〃 He frowned at the memory。
〃I wanted you to forget my behavior that first day; if possible; so I
tried to talk with you like I would with any person。 I was eager
actually; hoping to decipher some of your thoughts。 But you were too
interesting; I found myself caught up in your expressions… and every now
and then you would stir the air with your hand or your hair; and the
scent would stun me again…
〃Of course; then you were nearly crushed to death in front of my eyes。
Later I thought of a perfectly good excuse for why I acted at that moment
— because if I hadn't saved you; if your blood had been spilled there in
front of me; I don't think I could have stopped myself from exposing us
for what we are。 But I only thought of that excuse later。 At the time;
all I could think was; 'Not her。'〃
He closed his eyes; lost in his agonized confession。 I listened; more
eager than rational。 mon sense told me I should be terrified。 Instead;
I was relieved to finally understand。 And I was filled with passion
for his suffering; even now; as h