叉叉电子书 > 文学电子书 > 1 twilight暮色 >


1 twilight暮色-第46章

小说: 1 twilight暮色 字数: 每页3500字

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curiosity in his soft voice。 

〃No more than usual。〃 

He smiled wider; his teeth flashed in the sun。 

I inched closer; stretched out my whole hand now to trace the contours of 
his forearm with my fingertips。 I saw that my fingers trembled; and knew 
it wouldn't escape his notice。 

〃Do you mind?〃 I asked; for he had closed his eyes again。 

〃No;〃 he said without opening his eyes。 〃You can't imagine how that 
feels。〃 He sighed。 

I lightly trailed my hand over the perfect muscles of his arm; followed 
the faint pattern of bluish veins inside the crease at his elbow。 With my 
other hand; I reached to turn his hand over。 Realizing what I wished; he 
flipped his palm up in one of those blindingly fast; disconcerting 
movements of his。 It startled me; my fingers froze on his arm for a brief 

〃Sorry;〃 he murmured。 I looked up in time to see his golden eyes close 
again。 〃It's too easy to be myself with you。〃 

I lifted his hand; turning it this way and that as I watched the sun 
glitter on his palm。 I held it closer to my face; trying to see the 
hidden facets in his skin。 

〃Tell me what you're thinking;〃 he whispered。 I looked to see his eyes 
watching me; suddenly intent。 〃It's still so strange for me; not knowing。〃 

〃You know; the rest of us feel that way all the time。〃 

〃It's a hard life。〃 Did I imagine the hint of regret in his tone? 〃But 
you didn't tell me。〃 

〃I was wishing I could know what you were thinking…〃 I hesitated。 


〃I was wishing that I could believe that you were real。 And I was wishing 
that I wasn't afraid。〃 

〃I don't want you to be afraid。〃 His voice was just a soft murmur。 I 
heard what he couldn't truthfully say; that I didn't need to be afraid; 
that there was nothing to fear。 

〃Well; that's not exactly the fear I meant; though that's certainly 
something to think about。〃 

So quickly that I missed his movement; he was half sitting; propped up on 
his right arm; his left palm still in my hands。 His angel's face was only 
a few inches from mine。 I might have — should have — flinched away from 
his unexpected closeness; but I was unable to move。 His golden eyes 
mesmerized me。 

〃What are you afraid of; then?〃 he whispered intently。 

But I couldn't answer。 As I had just that once before; I smelled his cool 
breath in my face。 Sweet; delicious; the scent made my mouth water。 It 
was unlike anything else。 Instinctively; unthinkingly; I leaned closer; 


And he was gone; his hand ripped from mine。 In the time it took my eyes 
to focus; he was twenty feet away; standing at the edge of the small 
meadow; in the deep shade of a huge fir tree。 He stared at me; his eyes 
dark in the shadows; his expression unreadable。 

I could feel the hurt and shock on my face。 My empty hands stung。 

〃I'm… sorry… Edward;〃 I whispered。 I knew he could hear。 

〃Give me a moment;〃 he called; just loud enough for my less sensitive 
ears。 I sat very still。 

After ten incredibly long seconds; he walked back; slowly for him。 He 
stopped; still several feet away; and sank gracefully to the ground; 
crossing his legs。 His eyes never left mine。 He took two deep breaths; 
and then smiled in apology。 

〃I am so very sorry。〃 He hesitated。 〃Would you understand what I meant if 
I said I was only human?〃 

I nodded once; not quite able to smile at his joke。 Adrenaline pulsed 
through my veins as the realization of danger slowly sank in。 He could 
smell that from where he sat。 His smile turned mocking。 

〃I'm the world's best predator; aren't I? Everything about me invites you 
in — my voice; my face; even my smell。 As if I need any of that!〃 
Unexpectedly; he was on his feet; bounding away; instantly out of sight; 
only to appear beneath the same tree as before; having circled the meadow 
in half a second。 

〃As if you could outrun me;〃 he laughed bitterly。 

He reached up with one hand and; with a deafening crack; effortlessly 
ripped a twofootthick branch from the trunk of the spruce。 He balanced 
it in that hand for a moment; and then threw it with blinding speed; 
shattering it against another huge tree; which shook and trembled at the 

And he was in front of me again; standing two feet away; still as a stone。 

〃As if you could fight me off;〃 he said gently。 

I sat without moving; more frightened of him than I had ever been。 I'd 
never seen him so pletely freed of that carefully cultivated facade。 
He'd never been less human… or more beautiful。 Face ashen; eyes wide; I 
sat like a bird locked in the eyes of a snake。 

His lovely eyes seem to glow with rash excitement。 Then; as the seconds 
passed; they dimmed。 His expression slowly folded into a mask of ancient 

〃Don't be afraid;〃 he murmured; his velvet voice unintentionally 
seductive。 〃I promise…〃 He hesitated。 〃I swear not to hurt you。〃 He 
seemed more concerned with convincing himself than me。 

〃Don't be afraid;〃 he whispered again as he stepped closer; with 
exaggerated slowness。 He sat sinuously; with deliberately unhurried 
movements; till our faces were on the same level; just a foot apart。 

〃Please forgive me;〃 he said formally。 〃I can control myself。 You caught 
me off guard。 But I'm on my best behavior now。〃 

He waited; but I still couldn't speak。 

〃I'm not thirsty today; honestly。〃 He winked。 

At that I had to laugh; though the sound was shaky and breathless。 

〃Are you all right?〃 he asked tenderly; reaching out slowly; carefully; 
to place his marble hand back in mine。 

I looked at his smooth; cold hand; and then at his eyes。 They were soft; 
repentant。 I looked back at his hand; and then deliberately returned to 
tracing the lines in his hand with my fingertip。 I looked up and smiled 

His answering smile was dazzling。 

〃So where were we; before I behaved so rudely?〃 he asked in the gentle 
cadences of an earlier century。 

〃I honestly can't remember。〃 

He smiled; but his face was ashamed。 〃I think we were talking about why 
you were afraid; besides the obvious reason。〃 

〃Oh; right。〃 


I looked down at his hand and doodled aimlessly across his smooth; 
iridescent palm。 The seconds ticked by。 

〃How easily frustrated I am;〃 he sighed。 I looked into his eyes; abruptly 
grasping that this was every bit as new to him as it was to me。 As many 
years of unfathomable experience as he had; this was hard for him; too。 I 
took courage from that thought。 

〃I was afraid… because; for; well; obvious reasons; I can't stay with 
you。 And I'm afraid that I'd like to stay with you; much more than I 
should。〃 I looked down at his hands as I spoke。 It was difficult for me 
to say this aloud。 

〃Yes;〃 he agreed slowly。 〃That is something to be afraid of; indeed。 
Wanting to be with me。 That's really not in your best interest。〃 

I frowned。 

〃I should have left long ago;〃 he sighed。 〃I should leave now。 But I 
don't know if I can。〃 

〃I don't want you to leave;〃 I mumbled pathetically; staring down again。 

〃Which is exactly why I should。 But don't worry。 I'm essentially a 
selfish creature。 I crave your pany too much to do what I should。〃 

〃I'm glad。〃 

〃Don't be!〃 He withdrew his hand; more gently this time; his voice was 
harsher than usual。 Harsh for him; still more beautiful than any human 
voice。 It was hard to keep up — his sudden mood changes left me always a 
step behind; dazed。 

〃It's not only your pany I crave! Never forget that。 Never forget I am 
more dangerous to you than I am to anyone else。〃 He stopped; and I looked 
to see him gazing unseeingly into the forest。 

I thought for a moment。 

〃I don't think I understand exactly what you mean — by that last part 
anyway;〃 I said。 

He looked back at me and smiled; his mood shifting yet again。 

〃How do I explain?〃 he mused。 〃And without frightening you again… hmmmm。〃 
Without seeming to think about it; he placed his hand back in mine; I 
held it tightly in both of mine。 He looked at our hands。 

〃That's amazingly pleasant; the warmth。〃 He sighed。 

A moment passed as he assembled his thoughts。 

〃You know how everyone enjoys differe

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