1 twilight暮色-第19章
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truck before he could catch me。 I had to admit; they weren't good。
〃I'll just drag you back;〃 he threatened; guessing my plan。
I tried to maintain what dignity I could as I got into his car。 I wasn't
very successful — I looked like a halfdrowned cat and my boots squeaked。
〃This is pletely unnecessary;〃 I said stiffly。
He didn't answer。 He fiddled with the controls; turning the heater up and
the music down。 As he pulled out of the parking lot; I was preparing to
give him the silent treatment — my face in full pout mode — but then I
recognized the music playing; and my curiosity got the better of my
〃Clair de Lune?〃 I asked; surprised。
〃You know Debussy?〃 He sounded surprised; too。
〃Not well;〃 I admitted。 〃My mother plays a lot of classical music around
the house — I only know my favorites。〃
〃It's one of my favorites; too。〃 He stared out through the rain; lost in
I listened to the music; relaxing against the light gray leather seat。 It
was impossible not to respond to the familiar; soothing melody。 The rain
blurred everything outside the window into gray and green smudges。 I
began to realize we were driving very fast; the car moved so steadily; so
evenly; though; I didn't feel the speed。 Only the town flashing by gave
it away。
〃What is your mother like?〃 he asked me suddenly。
I glanced over to see him studying me with curious eyes。
〃She looks a lot like me; but she's prettier;〃 I said。 He raised his
eyebrows。 〃I have too much Charlie in me。 She's more outgoing than I am;
and braver。 She's irresponsible and slightly eccentric; and she's a very
unpredictable cook。 She's my best friend。〃 I stopped。 Talking about her
was making me depressed。
〃How old are you; Bella?〃 His voice sounded frustrated for some reason I
couldn't imagine。 He'd stopped the car; and I realized we were at
Charlie's house already。 The rain was so heavy that I could barely see
the house at all。 It was like the car was submerged under a river。
〃I'm seventeen;〃 I responded; a little confused。
〃You don't seem seventeen。〃
His tone was reproachful; it made me laugh。
〃What?〃 he asked; curious again。
〃My mom always says I was born thirtyfive years old and that I get more
middleaged every year。〃 I laughed; and then sighed。 〃Well; someone has
to be the adult。〃 I paused for a second。 〃You don't seem much like a
junior in high school yourself;〃 I noted。
He made a face and changed the subject。
〃So why did your mother marry Phil?〃
I was surprised he would remember the name; I'd mentioned it just once;
almost two months ago。 It took me a moment to answer。
〃My mother… she's very young for her age。 I think Phil makes her feel
even younger。 At any rate; she's crazy about him。〃 I shook my head。 The
attraction was a mystery to me。
〃Do you approve?〃 he asked。
〃Does it matter?〃 I countered。 〃I want her to be happy… and he is who she
〃That's very generous… I wonder;〃 he mused。
〃Would she extend the same courtesy to you; do you think? No matter who
your choice was?〃 He was suddenly intent; his eyes searching mine。
〃II think so;〃 I stuttered。 〃But she's the parent; after all。 It's a
little bit different。〃
〃No one too scary then;〃 he teased。
I grinned in response。 〃What do you mean by scary? Multiple facial
piercings and extensive tattoos?〃
〃That's one definition; I suppose。〃
〃What's your definition?〃
But he ignored my question and asked me another。 〃Do you think that I
could be scary?〃 He raised one eyebrow; and the faint trace of a smile
lightened his face。
I thought for a moment; wondering whether the truth or a lie would go
over better。 I decided to go with the truth。 〃Hmmm… I think you could be;
if you wanted to。〃
〃Are you frightened of me now?〃 The smile vanished; and his heavenly face
was suddenly serious。
〃No。〃 But I answered too quickly。 The smile returned。
〃So; now are you going to tell me about your family?〃 I asked to distract
him。 〃It's got to be a much more interesting story than mine。〃
He was instantly cautious。 〃What do you want to know?〃
〃The Cullens adopted you?〃 I verified。
I hesitated for a moment。 〃What happened to your parents?〃
〃They died many years ago。〃 His tone was matteroffact。
〃I'm sorry;〃 I mumbled。
〃I don't really remember them that clearly。 Carlisle and Esme have been
my parents for a long time now。〃
〃And you love them。〃 It wasn't a question。 It was obvious in the way he
spoke of them。
〃Yes。〃 He smiled。 〃I couldn't imagine two better people。〃
〃You're very lucky。〃
〃I know I am。〃
〃And your brother and sister?〃
He glanced at the clock on the dashboard。
〃My brother and sister; and Jasper and Rosalie for that matter; are going
to be quite upset if they have to stand in the rain waiting for me。〃
〃Oh; sorry; I guess you have to go。〃 I didn't want to get out of the car。
〃And you probably want your truck back before Chief Swan gets home; so
you don't have to tell him about the Biology incident。〃 He grinned at me。
〃I'm sure he's already heard。 There are no secrets in Forks。〃 I sighed。
He laughed; and there was an edge to his laughter。
〃Have fun at the beach… good weather for sunbathing。〃 He glanced out at
the sheeting rain。
〃Won't I see you tomorrow?〃
〃No。 Emmett and I are starting the weekend early。〃
〃What are you going to do?〃 A friend could ask that; right? I hoped the
disappointment wasn't too apparent in my voice。
〃We're going to be hiking in the Goat Rocks Wilderness; just south of
I remembered Charlie had said the Cullens went camping frequently。
〃Oh; well; have fun。〃 I tried to sound enthusiastic。 I don't think I
fooled him; though。 A smile was playing around the edges of his lips。
〃Will you do something for me this weekend?〃 He turned to look me
straight in the face; utilizing the full power of his burning gold eyes。
I nodded helplessly。
〃Don't be offended; but you seem to be one of those people who just
attract accidents like a mag。 So… try not to fall into the ocean or
get run over or anything; all right?〃 He smiled crookedly。
The helplessness had faded as he spoke。 I glared at him。
〃I'll see what I can do;〃 I snapped as I jumped out into the rain。 I
slammed the door behind me with excessive force。
He was still smiling as he drove away。
As I sat in my room; trying to concentrate on the third act of Macbeth; I
was really listening for my truck。 I would have thought; even over the
pounding rain; I could have heard the engine's roar。 But when I went to
peek out the curtain — again — it was suddenly there。
I wasn't looking forward to Friday; and it more than lived up to my
nonexpectations。 Of course there were the fainting ments。 Jessica
especially seemed to get a kick out of that story。 Luckily Mike had kept
his mouth shut; and no one seemed to know about Edward's involvement。 She
did have a lot of questions about lunch; though。
〃So what did Edward Cullen want yesterday?〃 Jessica asked in Trig。
〃I don't know;〃 I answered truthfully。 〃He never really got to the point。〃
〃You looked kind of mad;〃 she fished。
〃Did I?〃 I kept my expression blank。
〃You know; I've never seen him sit with anyone but his family before。
That was weird。〃
〃Weird;〃 I agreed。 She seemed annoyed; she flipped her dark curls
impatiently — I guessed she'd been hoping to hear something that would
make a good story for her to pass on。
The worst part about Friday was that; even though I knew he wasn't going
to be there; I still hoped。 When I walked into the cafeteria with Jessica
and Mike; I couldn't keep from looking at his table; where Rosalie;
Alice; and Jasper sat talking; heads close together。 And I couldn't stop
the gloom that engulfed me as I realized I didn't know how long I would
have to wait before I saw him again。
At my usual table; everyone was full of our plans for the next day。 Mike