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布鲁斯-帕廷顿计划-the bruce-partington plans-第6章

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of the garish Italian restaurant。

〃Have you had something to eat?  Then join me in a coffee and
curacao。  Try one of the proprietor's cigars。  They are less
poisonous than one would expect。  Have you the tools?〃

〃They are here; in my overcoat。〃

〃Excellent。  Let me give you a short sketch of what I have done;
with some indication of what we are about to do。  Now it must be
evident to you; Watson; that this young man's body was PLACED on
the roof of the train。  That was clear from the instant that I
determined the fact that it was from the roof; and not from a
carriage; that he had fallen。〃

〃Could it not have been dropped from a bridge?〃

〃I should say it was impossible。  If you examine the roofs you
will find that they are slightly rounded; and there is no railing
round them。  Therefore; we can say for certain that young Cadogan
West was placed on it。〃

〃How could he be placed there?〃

〃That was the question which we had to answer。  There is only one
possible way。  You are aware that the Underground runs clear of
tunnels at some points in the West End。  I had a vague memory
that as I have travelled by it I have occasionally seen windows
just above my head。  Now; suppose that a train halted under such
a window; would there be any difficulty in laying a body upon the

〃It seems most improbable。〃

〃We must fall back upon the old axiom that when all other
contingencies fail; whatever remains; however improbable; must be
the truth。  Here all other contingencies HAVE failed。  When I
found that the leading international agent; who had just left
London; lived in a row of houses which abutted upon the
Underground; I was so pleased that you were a little astonished
at my sudden frivolity。〃

〃Oh; that was it; was it?〃

〃Yes; that was it。  Mr。 Hugo Oberstein; of 13 Caulfield Gardens;
had bee my objective。  I began my operations at Gloucester
Road Station; where a very helpful official walked with me along
the track and allowed me to satisfy myself not only that the
back…stair windows of Caulfield Gardens open on the line but the
even more essential fact that; owing to the intersection of one
of the larger railways; the Underground trains are frequently
held motionless for some minutes at that very spot。〃

〃Splendid; Holmes!  You have got it!〃

〃So far……so far; Watson。  We advance; but the goal is afar。
Well; having seen the back of Caulfield Gardens; I visited the
front and satisfied myself that the bird was indeed flown。  It is
a considerable house; unfurnished; so far as I could judge; in
the upper rooms。  Oberstein lived there with a single valet; who
was probably a confederate entirely in his confidence。  We must
bear in mind that Oberstein has gone to the Continent to dispose
of his booty; but not with any idea of flight; for he had no
reason to fear a warrant; and the idea of an amateur domiciliary
visit would certainly never occur to him。  Yet that is precisely
what we are about to make。〃

〃Could we not get a warrant and legalize it?〃

〃Hardly on the evidence。〃

〃What can we hope to do?〃

〃We cannot tell what correspondence may be there。〃

〃I don't like it; Holmes。〃

〃My dear fellow; you shall keep watch in the street。  I'll do the
criminal part。  It's not a time to stick at trifles。  Think of
Mycroft's note; of the Admiralty; the Cabi; the exalted person
who waits for news。  We are bound to go。〃

My answer was to rise from the table。

〃You are right; Holmes。  We are bound to go。〃

He sprang up and shook me by the hand。

〃I knew you would not shrink at the last;〃 said he; and for a
moment I saw something in his eyes which was nearer to tenderness
than I had ever seen。  The next instant he was his masterful;
practical self once more。

〃It is nearly half a mile; but there is no hurry。  Let us walk;〃
said he。  〃Don't drop the instruments; I beg。  Your arrest as a
suspicious character would be a most unfortunate plication。〃

Caulfield Gardens was one of those lines of flat…faced pillared;
and porticoed houses which are so prominent a product of the
middle Victorian epoch in the West End of London。  Next door
there appeared to be a children's party; for the merry buzz of
young voices and the clatter of a piano resounded through the
night。  The fog still hung about and screened us with its
friendly shade。  Holmes had lit his lantern and flashed it upon
the massive door。

〃This is a serious proposition;〃 said he。  〃It is certainly
bolted as well as locked。  We would do better in the area。  There
is an excellent archway down yonder in case a too zealous
policeman should intrude。  Give me a hand; Watson; and I'll do
the same for you。〃

A minute later we were both in the area。  Hardly had we reached
the dark shadows before the step of the policeman was heard in
the fog above。  As its soft rhythm died away; Holmes set to work
upon the lower door。  I saw him stoop and strain until with a
sharp crash it flew open。  We sprang through into the dark
passage; closing the area door behind us。  Holmes let the way up
the curving; uncarpeted stair。  His little fan of yellow light
shone upon a low window。

〃Here we are; Watson……this must be the one。〃  He threw it open;
and as he did so there was a low; harsh murmur; growing steadily
into a loud roar as a train dashed past us in the darkness。
Holmes swept his light along the window…sill。  It was thickly
coated with soot from the passing engines; but the black surface
was blurred and rubbed in places。

〃You can see where they rested the body。  Halloa; Watson! what is
this?  There can be no doubt that it is a blood mark。〃  He was
pointing to faint discolourations along the woodwork of the
window。  〃Here it is on the stone of the stair also。  The
demonstration is plete。  Let us stay here until a train

We had not long to wait。  The very next train roared from the
tunnel as before; but slowed in the open; and then; with a
creaking of brakes; pulled up immediately beneath us。  It was not
four feet from the window…ledge to the roof of the carriages。
Holmes softly closed the window。

〃So far we are justified;〃 said he。  〃What do you think of it;

〃A masterpiece。  You have never risen to a greater height。〃

〃I cannot agree with you there。  From the moment that I conceived
the idea of the body being upon the roof; which surely was not a
very abstruse one; all the rest was inevitable。  If it were not
for the grave interests involved the affair up to this point
would be insignificant。  Our difficulties are still before us。
But perhaps we may find something here which may help us。〃

We had ascended the kitchen stair and entered the suite of rooms
upon the first floor。  One was a dining…room; severely furnished
and containing nothing of interest。  A second was a bedroom;
which also drew blank。  The remaining room appeared more
promising; and my panion settled down to a systematic
examination。  It was littered with books and papers; and was
evidently used as a study。  Swiftly and methodically Holmes
turned over the contents of drawer after drawer and cupboard
after cupboard; but no gleam of success came to brighten his
austere face。  At the end of an hour he was no further than when
he started。

〃The cunning dog has covered his tracks;〃 said he。  〃He has left
nothing to incriminate him。  His dangerous correspondence has
been destroyed or removed。  This is our last chance。〃

It was a small tin cash…box which stood upon the writing…desk。
Holmes pried it open with his chisel。  Several rolls of paper
were within; covered with figures and calculations; without any
note to show to what they referred。  The recurring words; 〃water
pressure〃 and 〃pressure to the square inch〃 suggested some
possible relation to a submarine。  Holmes tossed them all
impatiently aside。  There only remained an envelope with some
small newspaper slips inside it。  He shook them out on the table;
and at once I saw by his eager face that his hopes had been

〃What's this; Watson?  Eh?  What's this?  Record of a series of
messages in the advertisements of a paper。  Daily Telegraph agony
column by the print and paper。  Right…hand top corner of a page

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