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君主论-the prince(英文版)-第2章

小说: 君主论-the prince(英文版) 字数: 每页3500字

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en there in place of colonies one spends muchmore; having to consume on the garrison all ine from the state; sothat the acquisition turns into a loss; and many more are exasperated;because the whole state is injured; through the shifting of the garrisonup and down all bee acquainted with hardship; and all bee hostile;and they are enemies who; whilst beaten on their own ground; are yetable to do hurt。 For every reason; therefore; such guards are as uselessas a colony is useful。Again; the prince who holds a country differing in the above respectsought to make himself the head and defender of his powerful neighbours;and to weaken the more powerful amongst them; taking care that noforeigner as powerful as himself shall; by any accident; get a footingthere; for it will always happen that such a one will be introduced bythose who are discontented; either through excess of ambition or throughfear; as one has seen already。 The Romans were brought into Greece bythe Aetolians; and in every other country where they obtained a footingthey were brought in by the inhabitants。 And the usual course of affairsis that; as soon as a powerful foreigner enters a country; all thesubject states are drawn to him; moved by the hatred which they feelagainst the ruling power。 So that in respect to these subject states hehas not to take any trouble to gain them over to himself; for the wholeof them quickly rally to the state which he has acquired there。 He hasonly to take care that they do not get hold of too much power and toomuch authority; and then with his own forces; and with their goodwill;he can easily keep down the more powerful of them; so as to remainentirely master in the country。 And he who does not properly manage thisbusiness will soon lose what he has acquired; and whilst he does hold ithe will have endless difficulties and troubles。The Romans; in the countries which they annexed; observed closely thesemeasures; they sent colonies and maintained friendly relations with theminor powers; without increasing their strength; they kept down thegreater; and did not allow any strong foreign powers to gain authority。Greece appears to me sufficient for an example。 The Achaeans andAetolians were kept friendly by them; the kingdom of Macedonia washumbled; Antiochus was driven out; yet the merits of the Achaeans andAetolians never secured for them permission to increase their power; nordid the persuasions of Philip ever induce the Romans to be his friendswithout first humbling him; nor did the influence of Antiochus make themagree that he should retain any lordship over the country。 Because theRomans did in these instances what all prudent princes ought to do; whohave to regard not only present troubles; but also future ones; forwhich they must prepare with every energy; because; when foreseen; it iseasy to remedy them; but if you wait until they approach; the medicineis no longer in time because the malady has bee incurable; for ithappens in this; as the physicians say it happens in hectic fever; thatin the beginning of the malady it is easy to cure but difficult todetect; but in the course of time; not having been either detected ortreated in the beginning; it bees easy to detect but difficult tocure。 Thus it happens in affairs of state; for when the evils that arisehave been foreseen (which it is only given to a wise man to see); theycan be quickly redressed; but when; through not having been foreseen;they have been permitted to grow in a way that every one can see them。there is no longer a remedy。 Therefore; the Romans; foreseeing troubles;dealt with them at once; and; even to avoid a war; would not let theme to a head; for they knew that war is not to be avoided; but is onlyput off to the advantage of others; moreover they wished to fight withPhilip and Antiochus in Greece so as not to have to do it in Italy; theycould have avoided both; but this they did not wish; nor did that everplease them which is for ever in the mouths of the wise ones of ourtime:…… Let us enjoy the benefits of the time …… but rather the benefits oftheir own valour and prudence; for time drives everything before it; andis able to bring with it good as well as evil; and evil as well as good。But let us turn to France and inquire whether she has done any of thethings mentioned。 I will speak of Louis 'XII' (and not of Charles'VIII') as the one whose conduct is the better to be observed; he havingheld possession of Italy for the longest period; and you will see thathe has done the opposite to those things which ought to be done toretain a state posed of divers elements。King Louis was brought into Italy by the ambition of the Veians; whodesired to obtain half the state of Lombardy by his intervention。 I willnot blame the course taken by the king; because; wishing to get afoothold in Italy; and having no friends there …… seeing rather thatevery door was shut to him owing to the conduct of Charles …… he wasforced to accept those friendships which he could get; and he would havesucceeded very quickly in his design if in other matters he had not madesome mistakes。 The king; hobardy; regained atonce the authority which Charles had lost: Genoa yielded; theFlorentines became his friends; the Marquess of Mantua; the Duke ofFerrara; the Bentivoglio; my lady of Forli; the Lords of Faenza; ofPesaro; of Rimini; of Camerino; of Piombino; the Lucchesi; the Pisans;the Sienese …… everybody made advances to him to bee his friend。 Thencould the Veians realize the rashness of the course taken by them;which; in order that they might secure two towns in Lombardy; had madethe king master of two…thirds of Italy。Let any one now consider with what little difficulty the king could havemaintained his position in Italy had he observed the rules above laiddown; and kept all his friends secure and protected; for although theywere numerous they were both weak and timid; some afraid of the Church;some of the Veians; and thus they would always have been forced tostand in with him; and by their means he could easily have made himselfsecure against those who remained powerful。 But he was no sooner inMilan than he did the contrary by assisting Pope Alexander to occupy theRomagna。 It never occurred to him that by this action he was weakeninghimself; depriving himself of friends and those who had thrownthemselves into his lap; whilst he aggrandized the Church by adding muchtemporal power to the spiritual; thus giving it great authority。 Andhaving mitted this prime error; he was obliged to follow it up; somuch so that; to put an end to the ambition of Alexander; and to preventhis being the master of Tuscany; he was himself forced to e intoItaly。And as if it were not enough to have aggrandized the Church; anddeprived himself friends; he; wishing to have the kingdom of Naples;divides it with the King of Spain; and where he was the prime arbiter ofItaly he takes an associate; so that the ambitious of that country andthe malcontents of his own should have where to shelter; and whereas hecould have left in the kingdom his own pensioner as king; he drove himout; to put one there who was able to drive him; Louis; out in turn。The wish to acquire is in truth very natural and mon; and men alwaysdo so when they can; and for this they will be praised not blamed; butwhen they cannot do so; yet wish to do so by any means; then there isfolly and blame。 Therefore; if France could have attacked Naples withher own forces she ought to have done so; if she could not; then sheought not to have divided it。 And if the partition which she made withthe Veians in Lombardy was justified by the excuse that by it she gota foothold in Italy; this other partition merited blame; for it had notthe excuse of that necessity。Therefore Louis made these five errors: he destroyed the minor powers;he increased the strength of one of the greater powers in Italy; hebrought in a foreign power; he did not settle in the country; he did notsend colonies。 Which errors; if he had lived; were not enough to injurehim had he not made a sixth by taking away their dominions from theVeians; because; had he not aggrandized the Church; nor brought Spaininto Italy; it would have been very reasonable and necessary to humblethem; but having first taken these steps; he ought never to h

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