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哲学史-philosophy of history(英文版)-第25章

小说: 哲学史-philosophy of history(英文版) 字数: 每页3500字

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realising the goal of happiness; so that it seems to be left free to men; on their part; to adopt such
mands; — to observe them or not; while the conception of an abstract subject; “a wise man”
'Sapiens' forms the culminating point among the Chinese; as also among the Stoic moralists。 Also
in the Indian doctrine of the renunciation of the sensuality of desires and earthly interests; positive
moral freedom is not the object and end; but the annihilation of consciousness — spiritual and even
physical privation of life。 

                                   § 80

It is the concrete spirit of a people which we have distinctly to recognise; and since it is Spirit it
can only be prehended spiritually; that is; by thought。 It is this alone which takes the lead in all
the deeds and tendencies of that people; and which is occupied in realising itself; — in satisfying its
ideal and being self…conscious; — for its great business is self…production。 But for spirit; the
highest attainment is self…knowledge; an advance not only to the intuition; but to the thought —
the clear conception of itself。 This it must and is also destined to acplish; but the
acplishment is at the same time its dissolution。; and the rise of another spirit; another
world…historical people; another epoch of Universal History。 This transition and connection leads
us to the connection of the whole — the idea of the World's History as such — which we have now
to consider more closely; and of which we have to give a representation。 

                                   § 81

History in general is therefore the development of Spirit in Time; as Nature is the development of
the Idea in Space。 

                                   § 82

If then we cast a glance over the World's History generally; we see a vast picture of changes and
transactions; of infinitely manifold forms of peoples; states; individuals; in unresting succession。
Everything that can enter into and interest the soul of man — all our sensibility to goodness;
beauty; and greatness — is called into play。 On every hand aims are adopted and pursued; which
we recognise; whose acplishment we desire — we hope and fear for them。 In all these
occurrences and changes we behold human action and suffering predominant; everywhere
something akin to ourselves; and therefore everywhere something that excites our interest for or
against。 Sometimes it attracts us by beauty; freedom; and rich variety; sometimes by energy such
as enables even vice to make itself interesting。 Sometimes we see the more prehensive mass
of some general interest advancing with parative slowness and subsequently sacrificed to an
infinite plication of trifling circumstances; and so dissipated into atoms。 Then; again; with a vast
expenditure of power a trivial result is produced; while from what appears unimportant a
tremendous issue proceeds。 On every hand there is the motliest throng of events drawing us within
the circle of its interest; and when one bination vanishes another immediately appears in its

                                   § 83

The general thought — the category which first presents itself in this restless mutation of individuals
and peoples; existing for a time and then vanishing — is that of change at large。 The sight of the
ruins of some ancient sovereignty directly leads us to contemplate this thought of change in its
negative aspect。 What traveller among the ruins of Carthage; of Palmyra; Persepolis; or Rome; has
not been stimulated by reflections on the transience of kingdoms and men; and to sadness at the
thought of a vigorous and rich life now departed — a sadness which does not expend itself on
personal losses and the uncertainty of one's own undertakings; but is a disinterested sorrow at the
decay of a splendid and highly cultured national life! But the next consideration which allies itself
with that of change; is; that chance while it imports dissolution; involves at the same time the rise of
a new life — that while death is the issue of life; life is also the issue of death。 This is a grand
conception; one which the Oriental thinkers attained and which is perhaps the highest in their
metaphysics。 In the Idea of Metempsychosis we find it evolved in its relation to individual
existence; but a myth more generally known; is that of the Phoenix as a type of the Life of
Nature; eternally preparing for itself its funeral pile; and consuming itself upon it; but so that from
its ashes is produced the new; renovated; fresh life。 But this image is only Asiatic; oriental not
occidental。 Spirit — consuming the envelope of its existence — does not merely pass into another
envelope; nor rise rejuvenescent from the ashes of its previous form; it es forth exalted;
glorified; a purer spirit。 It certainly makes war upon itself — consumes its own existence; but in this
very destruction it works up with existence into a new form; and each successive phase bees
in its turn a material; working on which it exalts itself to a new grade。 

                                   § 84

If we consider Spirit in this aspect — regarding its changes not merely as rejuvenescent transitions;
i。e。; returns to the same form; but rather as manipulations of itself; by which it multiplies the
material for future endeavours — we see it exerting itself in a variety of modes and directions;
developing its powers and gratifying its desires in a variety which is inexhaustible; because every
one of its creations; in which it has already found gratification; meets it anew as material; and is a
new stimulus to plastic activity。 The abstract conception of mere change gives place to the thought
of Spirit manifesting; developing; and perfecting its powers in every direction which its manifold
nature can follow。 What powers it inherently possesses we learn from the variety of products and
formations which it originates。 In this pleasurable activity; it has to do only with itself。 As involved
with the conditions of mere nature — internal and external — it will indeed meet in these not only
opposition and hindrance; but will often see its endeavours thereby fail; often sink under the
plications in which it is entangled either by Nature or by itself。 But in such case it perishes in
fulfilling its own destiny and proper function; and even thus exhibits the spectacle of
self…demonstration as spiritual activity。 

                                   § 85

The very essence of Spirit is activity; it realises its potentiality — makes itself its own deeds its own
work — and thus it bees an object to itself; contemplates itself as an objective existence。 Thus
is it with the Spirit of a people: it is a Spirit having strictly defined characteristics。; which erects
itself into an objective world; that exists and persists in a particular religious form of worship;
customs; constitution and political laws; — in the whole plex of its institutions; — in the events
and transactions that make up its history。 That is its work — that is what this particular Nation is。
Nations are what their deeds are。 Every Englishman will say: We are the men who navigate the
ocean; and have the merce of the world; to whom the East Indies belong and their riches; who
have a parliament; juries; &c。… The relation of the individual to that Spirit is that he appropriates to
himself this substantial existence; that it bees his character and capability; enabling him to have
a definite place in the world — to be something。 For he finds the being of the people to which he
belongs an already established; firm world — objectively present to him — with which he has to
incorporate himself。 In this its work; therefore — its world — the Spirit of the people enjoys its
existence and finds its satisfaction。 — A Nation is moral — virtuous — vigorous — while it is
engaged in realising its grand objects; and defends its work against external violence during the
process of giving to its purposes an objective existence。 The contradiction between its potential;
subjective being — its inner aim and life — and its actual being is removed; it has attained full
reality; has itself objectively prese

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