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time enough for love-时间足够你爱(英文版)-第149章

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aper work if I can help it。 I have been trying to sweat this one down to size; and you've shown me a way to do it。 Tell me; why did you turn down officers' training when it was offered to you? Or don't tell me if you don't want to; it's your business。〃
  ?(Pop; I'm going to have to lie to you…for I can't point out that a platoon leader has a life expectancy of around twenty minutes if he takes his platoon 〃over the top〃 and does it by the Book。 What a war!) 〃Sir; look at it this way。 Suppose I put in for it。 A month to get it approved。 Then three months at Benning; or Leavenworth; or wherever they're sending them。 Then back here; or Bliss; or somewhere and I'll be assigned to recruits。 Six months with them and we g~ ?verseas。 More training behind the lines 'Over There' from what I hear。 Adds
  up to about a year; and the waris over; and I haven't been
  ?in it。〃
  〃Mmm 。 。 you could be right。 You want to go to France?〃
  〃Yes; sir!〃 (Christ; no!)
  〃Just last Sunday; in K。C。; my father…in…law told me that
  ?would be your answer。 But you may not know; Sergeant; that the billet you are in will be just as frustrating 。 。 without the pensation of bars on your shoulders。 Hcre in 'Plans & Training' we keep track of every enlisted instructor…and the ones who don't work out we ship out 。 。 but the ones who do work out we hang onto like grim death。
  〃Except forone thing…〃 His father smiled again。 〃We have been asked…the polite word for 'ordered'…to supply some of our best instructors for that behind…the…lines training in France you mentioned。 I knoade it a point to note the weekly reports on you ever since my father…in…law told me about you。 Surprising proficiency for a man with no bat time 。 。 plus a slight tendency to be nonregulation about minor points; which…privately…I do not find a drawback; the utterly regulation soldier is a barracks soldier。 Est…ce que vous parlez la langue franise?〃
  〃Oui; mon capitaine。〃
  〃Eh; bien! Peut…re vous avez enr?autrefois en la Legion Etrange; n'est…ce pas?〃
  〃Pardon; mon capitaine? Je ne prends pas。〃
  〃Nor will I understand you if we talk three more words of it。 But I'm studying hard; as I expect French to be my own ticket out of this dusty place。 Bronson; forget that I asked that question。 But I must ask one more and I want an absolutely straight answer。 Is there any possibility whatever that any French authority might be looking for you? I don't give a tinker's dam what you may have done in the past; and neither does the War Department。 But we must protect our own。〃
  Lazarus barely hesitated。 (Pop is telling me plain as print that if I am a deserter from the Foreign Legion…or have escaped from Devil's Island or any such…he's going to keep me out of French jurisdiction。) 〃Absolutely none; sir!〃
  〃I'm relieved to hear it。 There have been latrine rumors that Pop Johnson could neither confirm nor deny。 Speaking of him…Stand up a moment。 Now left face; please。 And about face。 Bronson; I'm convinced。 I don't remember my wife's Uncle Ned; but I would give long odds that you are related to
  528my father…in…law; and his theory certainly fits。 Which makes us 'kinfolk' of some sort。 After the war is over; perhaps we can dig into it。 But I understand that my children call you 'Uncle Ted' 。 。 which seems close enough and suits me if it suits you。〃
  〃Sir; it does; indeed! It's good to have a family; under any assumption。〃
  ?〃I think so。 Just one more thing 。 。 and this you must forget once you go out that door。 I think that a rocker for those
  昪hevrons will show up one of these days 。 。 and not long after you'll be wven a short leave that you haven't requested。 When tklat happens; don't start any continued stories。 prenezvous?〃
  〃Mais oui; mon capitaine; certainement。〃
  〃I wish I could tell you that we will be in the same outfit; Pop Johnson would like that。 But I can't。 In the meantime please remember that I haven't told you anything。〃 ?
  〃Captain; I've already forgotten it。〃 (Pop thinks he's doing me a favor!) 〃Thank you; sir!〃
  〃Not at all。 Dismissed。〃
  Staff Sergeant Theodore Bronson found Kansas City changed…uniforms everywhere; posters everywhere。 Uncle Sam stared out at him: 〃I want you for the United States Army。〃 A Red Cross nurse was shown holding a wounded man in a stretcher as if he were a baby; with the one word:
  〃GIVE;〃 A sign on a restaurant said: 〃We Observe All Meatless; Wheatless; and Sweetless Days。〃 Service flags were in many windows…he counted five stars on one; saw several with gold stars。
  More traffic than he recalled and streetcars were crowded; many passengers in uniform…it seemed as if all of Camp Funston and every camp or fort within reaching distance had all been dumped into the city at once。 Untrue; he knew; but the train he had dozed in most of last night had been so jammed that it seemed true。
  That 〃Khaki Special〃 had been almost as dirty as a cattle train and even slower; it had sidetracked again and again in favor of freights; and once for a troop train。 Lazarus arrived in Kansas City late in the morning; tired and filthy…having left camp clean and rested。 But he had his battered old grip with him and planned to correct both conditions before seeing his 〃adopted〃 family。
  Waving a five…dollar bill in front of the railroad station got him a taxi; but the hackie insisted on picking up three more passengers going south after asking what direction Lazarus was going。 The taxicab was a Ford landaulet like his own; but in much worse condition。 The glass partition between front and back seats (the feature that made it a 〃limousine〃) had been removed; and the collapsible half…top of the rear partrnent appeared to have collapsed for the last time。 But
  530with five in it; plus baggage on knees; ventilation was wele。 The driver said; 〃Sergeant; you were first。 Where to?〃
  Lazarus Said that he wanted to find a hotel room out south; near Thirty…first。
  〃You're an optimist…hard enough to find one downtown。 But we'll try。 Drop these other gentlemen first; maybe?〃
  Eventually he wound up near Thirty…first and Main…〃Permanent and Transient…all rooms & apts。 with bath。〃 The driver said; 〃This joint costs too much…but it's this or go back downtown。 No; keep your money till we see if they can take you。 You about to go overseas?〃
  〃So I hear。〃
  〃So your fare is a dollar; I don't take no tips from a man about to go over…I got a boy 'Over There。' Le'me talk to that clerk。〃
  Ten minutes later Lazarus was luxuriating in the first tub bath he had…had since April 6; 1917。 Then he slept three hours。 When his inner alarm woke him; he dressed in clean clothes from skin out; his best uniform…the breeches he had retailored for a smarter peg at the knee。 He went down to the lobby and telephoned his family's home。
  Carol ansa; it's Uncle Ted!〃
  Maureen Smith's voice was serenely warm。 〃Where are you; Sergeant Theodore? Brian Junior wants to go fetch you home;〃
  〃Please tell him thanks; Mrs。 Smith; but Fm in a hotel at the Thirty…first Street car line; I'll be there before he could get here…if I'm wele。〃
  〃Wele'? What a way for our adopted soldier to talk。 Yt;u don't belong in a hotel; you must stay here。 Brian…my husband; I mean; the Captain…told us to expect you and that you were to stay with us。 Did he not tell you so'?〃
  〃M。a'axn; I've seen the Captain just once; three weeks ago。 So far as I know; he doesn't know I'm on leave。〃 Lazarus added; 〃I don't want to put you out。〃
  〃Pish and tush; Sergeant Theodore; let's have no more of that。 At the beginning of the war we changed the maid's room downstairs…my sewing room; where you played chess with Woodrow…into a guest room; so that the Captain could bring a brother officer home on a weekend。 Must I tell my husband that you refused to sleep there?〃
  (Maureen my love; that's putting the ~at too close to the canary! I won't

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