叉叉电子书 > 文学电子书 > time enough for love-时间足够你爱(英文版) >


time enough for love-时间足够你爱(英文版)-第13章

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t。 Tell 'em to get out and stay out。〃
  Lazarus tried to ignore the ensuing exchange; as it annoyed him that he … almost…not…quite understood it。 He opened the envelope Ira Weatheral had returned to him; then opened out his will…a long bellows…fold of puter printout…and started reading it while whistling off key。
  〃Senior; Master Chief technician on duty states that you have given a null order; which is a true statement by the Clinic's regulations。 A general analgesic is forthing。〃
  〃Forget it。〃 Lazarus went on reading; and shifted to singing softly the tune he had been whistling: …
  〃There's a pawnshop
  On the corner …
  Where I usually keep my overcoat。
  〃There's a bookie
  Behind the pawnshop
  Who handles my investments〃 *
  The taller technician appeared at his elbow; carrying a shiny disk with attached tubing。 〃For … 。 pain。〃
  Lazarus made a brush…off gesture with his free hand。 〃Go 'way; I'm busy。〃
  * This doggerel is attributed to the twentieth century。 See appendix for semantic analysis。
  J。F。 45th
  …The shorter teeheician appeared on his other side。 Lazarus looked that way and said; 〃What do you want?〃 …
  As he turned his head the taller technician moved quickly; Lazarus felt a sting in his forearm。 He rubbed the spot and said; 〃Why; you rapscallion。 Foxed me; didn't。you? All right; beat it。 Raus。 Scat!'。' He dismissed the incident from his mind and returned to work。 A moment later he said:
  〃Awaiting your orders; Senior。〃
  〃Record this …for printout。 I; Lazarus Long; sometimes known as the Senior and listed in the Howard Families' Genealogies as Woodrow Wilson Smith; born 1912; do declare this to be my last will and testament… puter; go back through my talk with Ira and dig out what I said I wanted to do to help him lead a migration…got it?〃
  〃Retrieved; Senior。〃…
  〃Fix up the language and tack it onto my opening statement。 And…let … me see…add something like this: In the event Ira Weatheral fails tO qualify for inheritance; then all my worldly wealth of which I die possessed shall go to; uh; to
  …to found a home for indigent and superannuated pickpock
  …ets; prostitutes; panhandlers; piemen; priggers; and other unworthy poor starting with 'P。i Got it?〃
  〃Recorded; Senior。 Please be advised that this alternative has …a high probability of being nullified if tested by the; current rules of this pla。〃
  Lazarus expressed a rhetorical and physiologically improbable wish。 〃All right; set it up for stray cats or some
  … other useless but legally acceptable purpose。 Search your permanents for such a purpose that will get by the courts;。 Just be certain that the Trustees can't get their hands on it。 Understand?'
  〃There is no way to be certain of 'that; Senior; but it will be attempted。〃 … …
  〃Look for a loophole。 Print that out as fast as you can research it and put it together。 Now stand by for a memorandum of my assets。 Begin。〃 Lazarus started to read the list; found that his eyes were blurring and would not focus。 〃Damnation! Those dummies slipped me a Mickey and it's taking hold。 Blood! I mUst have a drop of my own blood to thumbprint it! Tell those dummies to help me and tell them why…and warn them that I will bite my tongue… to get it if they won't help me。 Now print out my will with any feasible alternative…but hurry!〃
  〃Printout starting;〃 the puter answered quietly; then shifted to Galacta。
  The 〃dummies〃 did not argue with the puter; they moved fast; one snatching the new sheet out of the auxiliary printout the instant it stopped whirring; the other producing a sterile point out of nowhere and stabbing the ball of Lazarus' left little finger after giving Lazarus a split second to see what was being done。
  Lazarus did not wait for blood to be taken by pipette。 He squeezed the stabbed finger for a drop; rubbed his right thumb in it; then print…signed his will while the shorter technician held it for him。
  Then he sank back。 〃It's done;〃 he whispered。 〃Tell Ira。〃 He was heavily asleep at once。
  The chair gently transferred Lazarus to his bed while the technicians silently supervised。 Then the shorter watched the readouts on respiration; heart action; brain rhythms; and other physicals while the taller placed the documents; old 'will and new; in an impervolope; sealed it; chopped and thumbprinted the seal; marked it 〃Surrender only to the Senior and/or Mr。 Chairman Pro Tem;〃 then retained it until their reliefs arrived。 …
  The relief chief technician listened to the record of the watch; glanced over the physicals; studied the sleeping client。
  〃Timed;〃 he stated。
  〃Neolethe。 Thirty…four hours。〃
  He whistled。 〃Another crisis?〃
  〃Less severe than the last。 Pseudopain with irrational irascibility。 Physicals within limits for this stage。〃
  〃What's in the sealer?〃
  〃Just sign for it and include delivery instructions in your receipt。〃
  〃Pardon me for using up oxygen!〃
  〃Your receipt; please。〃
  The relief wrote out a receipt; chopped and thumbed it; swapped it for the impervolope。 〃I relieve you;〃 he said brusquely。
  〃Thank you。〃
  The shorter technician was waiting at the door。 The Master Chief Technician paused to say; 〃You needn't have waited。 It sometimes… takes me three times this long to turn ovef the watch。 You are free to leave as soon as the relief junior watch officer arrives。〃
  〃Yes; Master Chief Technician。 But this is a very special client…and I thought you might need me with Mr。 Snoopy Nose。〃
  〃I can cope with him。 Yes;a very special client indeed 。
  and it speaks well for you that the Skills Board assigned you to' me when ~Tour predecessor opted out。〃
  〃Thank you…!〃
  〃Don't thank me; Associate Technician。〃 The voice; although distorted by helmet and relay and filter; sounded gentle even though the words were not。 〃That was not a pliment but a statement of fact。 If you had not done well on your first watch; there would be no second watch…as you say; 'a very special client。' You did well。 。 aside from nervousness a client can feel even though he can't see your face。 But you'll get over that。〃
  〃Uh 。 。 I hope so。。 I was very nervous!〃
  〃I would rather have an assistant keyed up tight than one who knows it all and is sloppy。 But you should be home now and resting。 e along; I'll drop you off。 Where do you robe? The intermediate lounge? I go past it。〃
  〃Oh; don't bother about me! But I'll ride with you if I may
  …then take the car back。〃 …
  … 〃Relax! Once off duty; there are no ranks among us who follow the Vocation。 Didn't they teach you that?〃 They moved past the queue' at the public transports; on past the Director's own; stopped at the smaller bank for e~ecutives。
  〃Yes; but…I've never been assigned to anyone of your rank before。〃 … …
  That got a chuckle。 〃All the more reason to follow that rule with me…because the higher one is; the more one needs to forget it … off duty。 Here's an empty car。 In you go and sit down。〃
  The shorter one went in but did not sit down until the Master Chief Technician was seated。 The boss rejuvenator ignored it; set the controls; sprawled out; and sighed; as the car started to move。 〃I feel the strain myself。 ing off watch; I feel as old as he is。〃 … …
  〃I know。 I'm wondering if I can take it。 Chief? Why won't they let him terminate? He seems so tired。〃
  The answer was slow and not responsive。 〃Don't call inc 'Chief。' We're off duty。〃 …
  〃But I don't know your name。〃
  〃Nor …do you need to know it。 Hmm… The situation is not quite as it appears to be; he has suicided four times already。〃
  〃Oh; he doesn't remember it。 If you think his memory is bad now; you should have seen him three months ago。 Actually; it speeds up 

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