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Born Rich-富贵门(英文版)-第8章

小说: Born Rich-富贵门(英文版) 字数: 每页3500字

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ent progress to gainthe motivation and inspiration which you need tocontinue。 Moreover; the knowledge that you have an〃Instant Estate;〃 if anything should happen to you; willgive you additional serenity of mind。 

Orderly Debt Repayment Program 

You could already have debts that seem to be eatingup your entire paycheck; leaving nothing for yourself。

But understand thisthese debts can be retired。
(Although the amount of debt you have incurred will; ofcourse; determine the length of time it will take you toclear the slate。) And; for the purposes of the followingdiscussion; you must consider your mortgage or housepayment (probably one of your largest monthlypayments); as an investment; NOT a debt。 

Debt Clearance Account 

Whatever money you earn Monday afternoon andTuesday morning; should go directly into your DebtClearance Account。 This represents twenty percent ofyour ine。 You should also sit down and draft a letterwhich you will send to all of your creditors; advisingthem of your plan。 

However; before you mail the letter; you should firstdraw up a list of your creditors to determine whatproportion of this twenty percent each of them wouldreceive。 It could conceivably be more money than theyare presently receiving; or it could be less; but whicheverway it works out; that will be the sum of money they willeach receive。 Nevertheless; whatever sum they do receive;
they will receive it regularly; on the stipulated dates。 

The following is a sample letter you could use as aguide in drafting your own letter: 

Dear Whomever: 

As you know; I am in debt to you for 
________; and I intend to pay you in full; plus 
interest。 In order to achieve this goal; I have 
been devising a plan during the past few days 
to put myself in a stable financial position。 To 
this end; I have opened a 〃Debt Clearance 
Account〃 (DCA); and twenty percent of my 
ine is going directly into that account。 
That will enable me to have sufficient 

resources to live on; without worry or stress; 
and it will prevent me from falling further into 

Each week (or month) you will receive a 
check for _____ from my 〃DCA;〃 until my 
account with you is clear。 I am aware that this 
is not the figure I had previously agreed to pay 
you; but I'm sure you will be understanding; 
and appreciate what I am doing。 

If you have any questions; please feel free 
to contact me。 I am quite excited about my 
new plans and if you would like to have me 
review them with you so that you might help 
others who are in your debt; I would be 
pleased to do so。 Thank you in advance for 
your kind cooperation。 

Have a wonderful day! 


John Doe 

Understand that your letter to your creditor is astatement of fact and not a requestit is you who is incharge of your finances; not your creditors! 

Be sure to have your letters neatly typed andenclose your first new payment with your covering letter。
Realize there is an 〃outside chance〃 that someunreasonable person will not want to cooperate with you。
They might even go so far as to phone you and attemptto intimidate you with threats of taking you to court; etc。
But please hold your ground; because there is no courtin the country that would not congratulate you; whenyou explained your entire plan for FinancialIndependence。 Moreover; you will find that 95% of the

people; to whom you write; will be most cooperative。 

Now give yourself a good 〃pat on the back;〃 becauseas of this moment; you are well on your way to starting apletely new way of life! 

Let's briefly review what you have acplishedthus far: 

1。 You have an instant estate if 
anything should happen to you。 
2。 You have a savings account。 
3。 You are paying yourself。 
4。 You have an orderly debt 
repayment program。 
5。 You have 70% of your ine 
to live on; to run the house and for 
6。 Your mind is clear to carry on 
with the big ideas ing your way in the 
remainder of this book。 

From this moment on; never think 〃debt〃 again。
Remember; that has all been taken care ofso just focuson your savings account; and watch it grow。 RepeatI amwealthy; Money is good; I use money and I love people。 

Metaphorically speaking; getting your presentfinances in order is very similar to having yourautomobile tuned up for a journey which you are aboutto take。 Realize that as of this moment; you are tuned upfor your journey。 And; although you might only beearning 〃x〃 number of dollars per year presently; youmust see yourself; on the screen of your mind; alreadyearning the new annual ine which you havecalculated you need; to buy the things you want; in orderto live the way you choose to live。 

If you are seriously interested in beingfinancially independent and you have not yet acted on

the preceding ideas; I would strongly remend you doso now。 For to continue on to the next chapter; withouthaving done so; would be parable to leaving on yourjourney with your car firing on only half its cylinders。
You can be almost certain that your automobile willbreak down; preventing you from reaching your desireddestination。 But by making certain that everything isproperly 〃tuned up;〃 you can relax and adopt a calm;
serene attitude; knowing that you will get to yourdestination; and you will certainly be able to enjoy thescenery along the way! 

If you find that the task of getting your financialworld in good order for this exciting journey is somethingwhich you are not able to do alone; I would stronglysuggest you seek out professional assistance。 (This issomething that almost all wealthy people do。) That is tosay; wealthy individuals follow the advice of financialexperts。 It is similar in principle to the idea that if aperson's body were sick; he or she would likely seek outa skilled physician for advice。 Moreover; you should alsokeep in mind that even healthy people; if they are wise;
periodically go to a doctor for a checkup。 In other words;
you do not always need to get sick in order to get better。 

It has already been brought to your attention thatvery few people ever develop real expertise in the area ofserious 〃financial planning。〃 

Therefore; you should seek out a petentfinancial counselor; in much the same manner as youwould seek assistance; in matters of a legal nature。 Thereare panies that provide this type of financial servicein every city。 In some places they are not too easy to find;
but they are there; if you will only look for them。 

I had the pleasure of being instrumental in thestartup of just such a pany; in the city of Toronto;
Canada in 1979 (the name of the pany is The

McCrary Group)。 Today the pany has almost fivethousand happy clients; who are well on their way tofinancial independence。 The McCrary Group makes all ofits clients very aware of an interesting financial fact;
which I would like to share with you at this time。 

This fact is; people fall into three distinct categorieswith respect to 〃finances〃: 

1。 Deficit position (in debt); 
2。 Breakeven position (just 
getting by; but debtfree); 
3。 Surplus position。 

It would be very easy to 〃trick〃 oneself intobelieving; that if one were in category one or two; all onemust do is earn more money; and then one wouldautomatically graduate into the third category。 But ofcourse; this is not necessarily true。 For if a person is in adeficit financial position; it means they are in the 〃habit〃
of spending more money than they earn。 Similarly; if theyare in a breakeven position; they are in the habit ofspending everything they earn。 Since we are all〃creatures of habit;〃 it follows that earning more moneywould not necessarily change our overall financialposition。 It is vitally important; that when you decide〃how much is enough;〃 you also design a new financialplan or have one designed for you which will force you todiscipline yourselfat least for a month or twountil youform the new habit of living by that new plan。 

The next chapter; 〃The Image Maker;〃 will help youto understand how and why you must begin to seeyourself already earning that new figure。 But for the timebeing; just bear in mind that as your ine increases;
the ten percent you are saving increase

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