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Born Rich-富贵门(英文版)-第28章

小说: Born Rich-富贵门(英文版) 字数: 每页3500字

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both very negative examples。 Nevertheless; they do graphically 
illustrate the important truth; that 〃the Razor's Edge can cut 
both ways。〃 In other words; since the law of opposites is at 
work in every aspect of life; it follows; that if you are not 
consciously striving to move across that fine line to improve 
the quality of your life; you could be inadvertently moving in 
such a way; that your particular position in life is actually 
starting to backslide。 

Let me elaborate。 A couple of weeks ago; I was doing a 
talk show on the radio。 A lady phoned in and she was in a 
fairly negative frame of mind because the reality of her life; as 
she perceived it; was far different from what she had dreamed 
it would be when she was still a student in university。 
Apparently; at that time; she had dreamed of having an 
exciting career as a famous author。 However; she felt her 
plans had been ruined because she married shortly after 

graduation and now had two young children to contend with。 
The children; she explained; were still quite young and they 
were; as she described it; 〃under my feet; most of the day。〃 
She said that due to this circumstance of life; she was unable 
to go away by herself to write and this made her feel very 
resentful towards her family and towards life in general。 

I suggested to her; however; it was not necessary to 〃go 
away〃 to write her book; even though it is quite true some 
writers do go off to some south sea island; just to write。 But I 
assured her; these individuals were in the minority; and there 
are; in fact; very few authors who devote all their time to 
writing (or who even earn a major portion of their ine; 
while engaged in this activity)。 Therefore; I continued; there 
was absolutely nothing preventing her from writing at least 
one page per dayand if she followed this schedule religiously; 
in a year's time she would have pleted a goodsized book 
(365 pages); or possibly two or three smaller ones。 Yes; just 
getting out of bed one hour earlier in the morning could be the 
Razor's Edge difference which would permit her to realize her 
dream。 Moreover; she would have the additional benefit of 
having her family near her to provide 〃moral support。〃 

First Artificial Heart 

As I am writing this particular chapter; the media is 
literally inundating us with stories about the 〃first artificial 
heart;〃 ever to have been placed in the chest of a human 
patient。 The Toronto Daily Star; for example; printed one story 
a few days ago; in which it quoted the chief surgeon for the 
operation; Dr。 William DeVries。 According to the newspaper; 
he said that his credo; with respect to surgery; had always 
been〃Rehearse 。。。 rehearse 。。。 and then rehearse some more! 
For if you 'stick to' this principle;〃 he continued; 〃when it 
es time to perform the actual operation; the procedure will 
have bee almost routine for you。〃 

Dr。 DeVries is an exemplary case of an individual who 
gave that little bit extra。 For he took the time and effort to 
rehearse the operation on the screen of his own mind; before 

he actually performed it in the hospital operating room。 
(Incidentally; that Razor's Edge difference has enabled Dr。 
DeVries to bee a world renowned surgeon; who is destined 
to be 〃written up〃 in the annals of medical history; not to 
mention the fact that it enabled him to prolong the life of one 
Dr。 Barney Clark!) 

Another excellent illustration of 〃going that extra mile〃 by 
trying one more time; is offered in the same historic event。 For 
Dr。 Robert Jarvikonly 36 years of ageand the man who 
designed the world's first artificial heart; is another prime 
Razor's Edge candidate。 For you see; Dr。 Jarvik is also a man 
who was rejected; at least three times; by every medical school 
in the entire United States of America。 In fact; he was even 
advised by one teacher; whose course he was failing; to apply 
to dental school。 

But Robert Jarvik was a man with a vision; and he would 
not be denied it。 He intuitively grasped that he was the master 
of his fate; and he must have innately understood the Razor's 
Edge conceptfor he would not accept defeat。 As a result of his 
remarkable perseverance; he was finally accepted into the 
University of Utah School of Medicine; Salt Lake City; in 1972。 
A mere decade later; young Robert Jarvik achieved a medical 
breakthrough; the likes of which had never been seen before。 

Speaking of her husband; Dr。 Jarvik's wife Elaine said; 
〃He has qualities which are very difficult to measurehe is 
creative; and that is something you cannot measure with a 
test。〃 Clearly; young Robert Jarvik entered the fierce 
petition for a place in medical school; with none of the 
conventional assetssuperior grades; a prestigious academic 
degree; and a high score on the medical entrance exam。 
Nevertheless; he did possess those all important intangibles: 
namely; perseverance and a consuming passion to be 

Now; I am in no way suggesting that all of us will one day 
make medical history。 Still; we might resemble Dr。 Jarvik; in 
the sense that our particular talents and aptitudes; like his; 

may not translate well onto standardized tests of ability。 
Therefore; like Robert Jarvik; it may be necessary for us to 
bring our particular talents to bear; through tenacity; 
perseverance; and courage; and just 〃one more bite at the 
apple;〃 may be all that is required for us to succeed。 

Napoleon Hill devoted an entire chapter in his classic 
book; Think and Grow Rich; to the subject of 〃persistence。〃 He 
said; 〃There may be no heroic connotation to the word 
persistence; but the quality is to the character of man; what 
carbon is to steel。〃 

In another part of that same chapter; he wrote; 〃I had the 
happy privilege of analyzing both Mr。 Thomas Edison and Mr。 
Henry Ford; year by year; over a long period of years; and 
therefore the opportunity to study them at close range。 
Therefore; I speak with actual knowledge when I say that I 
found no quality; save Persistence; in either of them; that even 
remotely suggested the major source of their stupendous 

Surely you would have to agree there was a tremendous 
difference in the acplishments of these two men; as 
pared with the acplishments of most other people。 Yet 
by their own admission; neither of these men were 
intellectually superiorin fact; in terms of their I。Q。 they may 
actually have been inferior to many other people。 Nevertheless; 
because both men possessed the vital quality of 〃persistence;〃 
their results in life were invariably superior to those of the 

Therefore; perhaps the factor which will catapult you into 
the 〃big leagues;〃 which will multiply your ine from a 
material; as well as a psychic point of view; will be your own 
ability to persist。 So the next time you step out to do 
something; and 〃the going gets tough;〃 just remember that the 
Razor's Edge difference for you could well be your own ability 
to persevere。 Just try one more timewith enthusiasmand you 
could watch your acplishments go from the very ordinary; 
to the very extraordinary! 

Let me share a brief anecdote from my own experience。 
To plete this book; I am forming a new habit。 Each 
morning I get up before everyone else at home; shower quickly 
and pour myself a cup of coffee (which I drink on my way to 
the office)。 I arrive at the office before seven a。m。 and then I 
start writing。 Since it is absolutely quiet at this hour in the 
morningno telephones ringing; no interruptionI am able to 
write without any distractions and I really enjoy it。 By the time 
the other people arrive to begin work; I have several pages 
already written; so I am then free to get busy with the other 
work which I have scheduled for the day。 


Now try to relate this story to your own situation; for just 
a moment。 For example; if you are employed in a 〃sales〃 
capacity; consider the dynamic sales presentation which you 
could be delivering in a month or two; if you did a similar 
thing each morning。 In other words; if; instead of writing as I 
do; try to 

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