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Born Rich-富贵门(英文版)-第25章

小说: Born Rich-富贵门(英文版) 字数: 每页3500字

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hours; and still do today; they have the satisfaction of looking 
at what they have created together。 They gainfully employ 
numerous people and they properly service hundreds of clients 
located in various American states。 They have both earned a 
sizeable ine and the  value of their pany todayif 
they were to sell itis greater than all of the money Bob had 
earned working for the other pany; for all those years。 

Did Bob and Pat make the right decision? Just ask them! 
Would they make it again? You know what their answer would 

be! Are they RiskTakers? I don't think there is any question 
about that! 

Bob and Pat McCrary left their jobs and invested many 
thousands of dollars to do something which they had never 
done before。 They had no written guarantee they would 
succeed in their venture; but they were not irresponsible; nor 
were they acting imprudently。 Were they afraid? Well; I have 
never asked them directly; but after studying human nature 
for the greater part of twenty years; I feel quite confident in 
asserting they were。 The salient point for our purposes is; 
despite their trepidation; they had the courage to act in the 
face of their fear。 For the person who analyzes a situation 
carefully; prepares himself accordingly and then proceeds in 
the face of fear with the image of success in mind; is a genuine 
risktaker。 Furthermore; as you are already aware; risktakers 
very rarely lose; and even when they do; they usually bounce 
right back to try again。 In other words; risktakers live 
exciting; creative lives; because they are living the kind of life 
that we are all intended to live。 

So put a smile on your face; because as of this moment; 
you too can bee a bona fide risktaker! How? Simply by 
doing the thing you have dreamed aboutoff and onfor 
months; or possibly even years。 

In the great musical South Pacific; Mary Martin sang; 〃If 
you don't have a dream; if I don't have a dream; how are we 
going to make a dream e true?〃 It is my belief that 
everyone of us has our own dream。 We all have a vision; an 
idea or a picture of some great or grand thing or 
acplishment; which will float to the surface of our 
consciousness from time to time。 Moreover; for a few brief 
moments; we permit ourselves the luxury of enjoying ourselves 
doing; being or having; whatever that dream might be。 There is 
no doubt in my mind that you too 〃hold〃 a picture of 
something which floats to the surface of your consciousness 
periodically; and if the truth were to be known; you would 
dearly love to execute that dream。 

Well; the simple truth is you can。 But in all likelihood; it 
is going to require a considerable amount of courage on your 
part。 Remember; it makes no difference; at this moment; how 
bizarre your idea may appear。 In fact; you might even regard it 
yourself as being sheer fantasy。 Nevertheless; you can begin to 
turn it into a reality; by making a written description of 
whatever it is you would like to do; have; or be。 Write out your 
ambition in as much detail as possible and in the present 
tense。 Do not write it out as something that you are 〃planning〃 
to do; rather; write it out as if it were something you are doing 
currently。 In big bold letters write; 〃I can〃 and then yell it; say 
it; sing itdrill the idea that you are now going to do this thing; 
into your subconscious mind。 Then; choose a friend who has a 
lot of confidence in yousomeone whose thinking is patible 
with your own; not someone who will put you down and laugh 
at your ideato share your idea with。 Select someone who will 
build you up and help instill confidence in you; with respect to 
your idea。 

Remember; it makes no difference whether your goal is 
starting a new business; buying or building a new home; 
getting a new automobile; a new position at work; setting a 
sales record; or getting an honors mark in school。 Whatever it 
may be; you must step out and boldly pursue it。 Keep 
reminding yourself that you have tremendous reservoirs of 
potential within you; and therefore; you are quite capable of 
doing almost anything you 〃set your mind to。〃 All you must do 
is figure out how you can do it; not whether or not you can。 
Begin to visualize yourself as a risktaker and then start 
telling yourself you are one。 Bee fully aware of the 〃good 
vibrations〃 you get simply by virtue of practising these simple 
mental exercises。 

But before you proceed any further with your quest; find 
yourself a pad and a pen。 Then; prepare a balance sheet by 
taking an 81/2〃 x 11〃 sheet of paper; and drawing a straight 
line down the centre of the page。 

On the lefthand side; place a minus sign; and on the 
righthand side place a plus sign。 Under the minus sign; write 
out the very worst thing that could happen to you; if you were 
to follow through with your idea。 On the righthand side; write 
out all the good thingsthe very best thingsthat could happen 
to you; if you were to go ahead with your plan。 Clearly 
understand; that so long as what you plan to do is honest and 
honorable; whatever goes on the lefthand side of the page is 
not going to be disastrous。 On the other hand; however; what 
goes on the righthand side of the page could turn out to be 
absolutely magnificent。 

Therefore; by creating the balance sheet in this manner; 
you are demonstrating to yourself; for your own edification; 
the fact you actually have 〃nothing to lose。〃 It has already 
been brought to your attention numerous times in this book; 
that simply 〃missing the mark;〃 does not make you a failure; it 
only means that your plan did not work out as you had 
anticipated。 So even if you should lose everything you own; 
you still retain the capacity to bounce back; to try once again。 

For several years now I have been in the habit of reading 
the biographies and autobiographies; of men and women who 
have truly acplished 〃something of significance〃 in their 
lifetime。 I have found; moreover; that almost without 
exception; these individuals had fallen short of their goals on 
numerous occasions; but that never deterred them! Indeed; I 
myself have experienced 〃failure to hit the mark;〃 on a number 
of occasions; and I will readily admit it hurts a little and it 
even causes a certain amount of embarrassment。 But be that 
as it may; it has never stopped me from trying again and it 
need not stop you either; because we all possess the ability to 
get up and get going once again。 Therefore; this very moment; 
make up your mind that you are going to bee the 〃Risk
Taker〃 you truly wish to bee。 

The Razor's Edge 

You are only one inch 。。。 one step 。。。 
one idea 。。。 away from turning 
onto the boulevard of beauty 
in your own life。 

It has often been said the line which separates winning 
from losing is as fine as a razor's edge  and it is。 (I am talking 
about winning in a big way and in all areas of your life。) 

W。 Somerset Maugham wrote an entire book entitled The 
Razor's Edge; and Daryl F。 Zanuck spent four million dollars 
producing a movie which had the same title。 Both of these 
great menauthor and movie maker alikeknew there wasn't a 
big difference among people; there was only a big difference in 
the things they acplished。 (That was the theme of the 
movie as well as the book。) 

One person 〃just about〃 starts a project; the other person 
starts it。 One individual 〃almost〃 pletes a task; the other 
does plete it。 One person sees an opportunity; the other 
acts on it。 One student 〃nearly〃 passes the exam; the other 
does pass itand although the difference in their marks may be 
only one percentage point out of a hundred; it's that one point 
that makes all the difference。 

The annals of sport's history are rich with dramatic 
illustrations of the Razor's Edge concept。 For example; at the 
1976 Olympic games in Montreal; Canada; there were eight 
finalists peting in the onehundred meter dash; but the 
runner who won the Olympic gold medal was only oenth of 
a second faster than the runner who finished in last place。 

In 1947; ARMED the first race horse in the history of 
United States' racing to win ove

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