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Born Rich-富贵门(英文版)-第17章

小说: Born Rich-富贵门(英文版) 字数: 每页3500字

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to be very specific about how much money you need; to 
provide the things you want; to live in the style you choose。 
Once this figure had been decided upon; we then examined 
the importance of building the image of ourselves already in 
possession of this wealth; on the screen of our conscious 

mind。 We also talked briefly about the manner in which 
images are formed and the role they play in our lives。 

Then we examined the idea of 〃consciousness〃 and how it 
was imperative to develop the prosperity which we seek in our 
mind first; before we can ever attain it in our bankbooks。 We 
learned how we had to bathe our subconscious minds in a 
concept of prosperity and how we had to see wealth as being 
already in our possession。 

In the chapter 〃Let Go And Let God;〃 we became aware 
we were cocreators。 We became aware of how we had; in our 
conscious mind; the ability to choose any thoughts we wanted; 
to build any images which we chose to build。 We then learned 
how we could turn that image over to our subconscious mind 
(the spiritual center of our being; and that part of us which 
takes any idea or image we give to it; then willingly accepts it 
and instantly begins to move it into physical form in our 
world)。 We discovered that when we truly understand this 
creative process of life and our role in it expectation bees a 
natural mindset; regardless of how things might appear in 
our outside world or what others might be saying to us。 We 
were told this absolute and unshakeable faith or belief in the 
fact that our images are moved into form; is essential if we are 
to bee successful in our lives。 We also gained an 
awareness that all of this will happen once we begin to see 
ourselves as nonphysical entities encased in physical bodies。 
Once we realize our bodies are nothing other than the physical 
manifestation of our nonphysical selves; we will understand 
they are obedient servants of our mind; and they move and 
have their being according to the vibratory rate of our minds。 

You must reach the stage in your mental development 
where you don't just believe that your image of material wealth 
will manifest in form; but you actually know it will。 It is at that 
point you will begin to expect to receive the physical 
expression of your image of wealth。 No one and no thing will 
be able to cause you to see in your mind anything but that。 

Always remember; the truth is not always in the appearance of 

An elderly; wealthy gentleman being interviewed by a 
newspaper reporter was asked at what point he became 
successful。 His answer was; 〃I was successful when I was 
sleeping on a park bench because I knew where I was and I 
knew where I was going。〃 At this juncture in the book; you 
know where you are and you know where you are going。 So 
expect to get there! 

Your desire is the motorpower which will move you in 
the direction of your dream and expectation is the attractive 
force that will move your dream in your direction。 So see 
yourself moving toward the wealth you visualize and see the 
wealth you visualize being attracted to you。 Know that you will 
e in contact with the wealth that is moving to you; and at 
the right time。 No one knows what period of time must elapse; 
so don't bee impatient if it doesn't materialize 〃overnight。〃 
All we know for sure is a certain period of time must elapse 
and the period of time which your image must take to 
materialize is governed by the law of gender。 The law of gender 
decrees there is a gestation or incubation period for the 
manifestation of all seeds; and; make no mistake about it; the 
image of wealth you chose to build on the screen of your 
conscious mind and then turned over to your subconscious 
mind is a seed; and it is growing into physical form; in the 
most fertile field of which you could ever conceive。 

It is not necessary; at this point; for anyone else to see 
this new wealth。 It is not even necessary for anyone else to 
believe you will receive it。 The only thing necessary is that you 
see it and you believe it。 You see; the premise that Napoleon 
Hill built his life's work on is absolutely trueanything the 
mind can conceive and believe; it will achieve。 Expressed 
another way; 〃As a person thinketh in their heart; so are they。〃 
(The early Greeks referred to the subconscious mind as the 
heart。) Note that your subconscious mind can no more change 
or alter your image; than an ordinary mirror can reflect back 

to you an image different than the object you are holding in 
front of it。 But remember; as you think so are you; does not 
mean as you tell people you think or as you would wish the 
world to believe you think; it means your innermost thoughts; 
which only you control; know the truth。 That is what you 
expect; so that is what you attract and that is what you will 
ultimately receive! 

Through studying the power of your subconscious mind; 
or studying in depth the power or modus operandi of Spirit; it 
will bee easier and easier for you to e to expect the 
good you desire。 For all things are possible in Spirit; because 
in its original state; Spirit is a sensitive; unseen; creative 
substance whose sole purpose is expansion and fuller 
expression; in other words; 〃growth。〃 However; spirit or 
creative substance; can only reproduce; expand and express 
itself in a greater way in accordance with the limitation placed 
upon the instrument through which it expresses itself。 

Since Spirit is flowing to and through you; you are the 
instrument。 Therefore; the image or the ideas you hold in your 
mind dictate the limits which are placed on the spiritual power 
flowing to and through you。 In this respect; you may be 
pared to the light bulb the elderly couple had in their 
home。 You are an instrument through which spirit flows; just 
as a light bulb is an instrument through which electricity 
flows。 When the old couple plugged in the eight candlepower 
bulbs; the electricity was limited in its expression by the power 
of the bulb。 However; when the salesman plugged in the 60 
candlepower bulb; the electricity was free to express itself to a 
greater degree; and yet even then it was limited by the form 
through which it flowed; namely; the new bulb。 A 100 
candlepower bulb would have permitted an even greater 
expression; and so on and so on。 Therefore; if you held an 
image of poverty; that is what you will have seen expressed in 
your results or your material world。 However; since you are 
now holding an image of prosperity; that is the image you will 
see expressed in your material world。 

The nonphysical creative substance; which is Spirit; 
flows to and through the seed and expresses itself in its polar 
opposite; physical form。 As we have discussed on previous 
pages; the modus operandi of Spirit is law and; of course the 
law of attraction is a cause; and growth or expansion is the 
effect。 So keep visualizing yourself as a perfectly endowed 
spiritual instrument without limitations of any kind。 For if you 
do; you will find it easyin fact naturalto expect the good you 
desire。 You will understand that doubt simply obstructs the 
unfoldment of your desire; so when you continually originate 
images of doubt; you know you will never see the 
materialization of the image you desire。 Only the reproductive 
creative spirit of life knows what you think; until your 
thoughts bee physical facts and materialize in your body 
or your affairs。 Then everyone with whom you e in contact 
may know; because the intelligent energy rewards you openly 
by reproducing your thoughts in physical form。 

As A Man Thinketh 

〃As you think; that is what you bee;〃 should be kept 
in the forefront of our minds constantly。 For when you expect 
something wonderful to happen; that is watching and praying 
without ceasing。 At those times when we are not feeling quite 
up to par physically or our mind is being clouded with 
doubt; we should realize it is time to pray with all the more 
conviction or work at developing a stronger feeling of 

You must guard your mind constantly against doubt; 

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