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Born Rich-富贵门(英文版)-第11章

小说: Born Rich-富贵门(英文版) 字数: 每页3500字

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although I don't promise to be too alert after flying all night。〃 

It is also worth mentioning that John had to get up early 
enough to drive the 125 miles from Belleville to Toronto; to 

meet my 7:00 a。m。 arrival。 I remember that all John said was; 
〃I'll be there。〃 

The next morning I sat in the airport coffee shop and 
listened as John explained how he 〃wanted to do what I was 
doing。〃 He wanted to conduct seminars。 He also explained that 
he was prepared to pay the price; whatever it might be。 

As I listened; it was like hearing a popular song on the 
radioyou keep hearing it; over and over again。 In almost every 
seminar I conduct there is a man or woman in the seminar 
who wants to do 〃what I am doing。〃 I've heard it in Biloxi; 
Mississippi; Butte; Montana; Los Angeles; New York; Moncton 
and Montrealit was an old tune。 Now; here I was in Toronto 
with a friend who; as I have already mentioned; I did not know 
that well; and he was asking what 〃he had to do。〃 

As I was listening; the same images; which I had with all 
the others; were flashing through my mind。 I was 
remembering all the traveling and the fear of standing up and 
speaking in a large hotel ballroom crowded with people who 
wanted you to get them excited; but who were mentally 
putting you on trial at the same time; thinking; 〃Does this guy 
know what he is talking about?〃 In many situations; such as a 
sales convention; you had forty minutes from beginning to end 
in which to build rapport with a few hundred strangers and 
get them excited about themselves。 

The years of staying up nights reading and studying; the 
years of learning by attending seminars all over the continent; 
the years of working for next to nothing to prepare oneself to 
hold the attention of a group of people all day in a seminar; 
these were the images racing across my mind。 It had taken me 
eleven years to get to that point。 

But how do you say; 〃No; you'll never do it;〃 when 
someone like John asks you; especially when the essence of 
what you teach is you can do anything。 Yet; how can you say 
〃yes;〃 when everyone you know; with the exception of two or 
three others besides yourself; cannot earn a living in the 

public speaking business unless they are a celebrity。 (And that 
is a whole different story。) 

When John Kanary finished; I told him what I had told all 
the others: 〃Yes; you can do it; but it's tough。 Make sure you 
understand that; John。 It's tough。 You will have to do a 
tremendous amount of studying; because you not only have to 
know what to say; but you must also have the answers to a 
thousand and one questions arising as a result of what you 
say。 Some of the questions will e from professional people
medical doctors; engineers and lawyerswho; in most cases; 
know what they are talking about。 So you not only have to be 
right; but confident as well; or you will be discredited with 
your entire audience; and that only has to happen a couple of 
times and you're 〃out of business。〃 

You not only have to study these ideas; but you must use 
them as well; or there will be no conviction in your talks。 (Not 
to mention the fact that you will be a walking physical 
contradiction to what you teach。) It is next to impossible; for 
example; to have a sick person teaching 'health'。 

You must develop showmanship and voice control; and 
on and on it goes。 In short; John; for every one who makes it; 
a thousand fail miserably。〃 

Usually when this is explained; the person says they still 
want to go ahead; but you never hear from them again。 John 
was no exception; in one sensehe still wanted to go ahead。 
However; in every other way he was an exception。 I did see 
him again。 I told him what to read and what to do and he read 
it and did it。 John read hundreds of bookshe 〃devoured〃 
them。 He narrated them onto tapes and then played the tapes 
in the car。 At his own expense; he followed me all over the 
country and sat in hundreds of seminars。 He wrote thousands 
of pages of notes and studied them diligently。 

Finally; I would have him open and close the seminars。 
Then he would conduct part of a seminar himself。 In the 
beginning he was full of fear; he was soaking wet。 Sometimes 

he would be so worried about what the audience thought of 
him; that he would fet everything he knew and; as you 
know; an audience can be very cruel。 But despite all this he 
continued。 (Keep in mind this was costing him money; he was 
not being paid。) 

John Kanary had built an image of himself doing 〃what I 
was doing〃 and he would not quit。 He was persistent and it 
worked。 It always has and it always will。 Today he has earned 
the respect of many of the world's largest corporations。 He has 
spoken in almost every major city in North America。 He has 
also earned more in one day than he was earning in a year 
when I first met him! 

So if someone with numerous degrees after their name 
tells you ImageMaking and Persistence don't work; just look 
John Kanary up and ask him。 He will tell you; 〃I know you can 
do it; because I did it!〃 

Philip Nacola; a minister in Santa Anna; California; 
preached a sermon on a similar idea one Sunday that I was 
fortunate enough to hear when I was living there。 He said; 
〃Keep your mind on a higher image rather than a lower 
concern。〃 I realize that is not always an easy thing to do; but it 
sure pays great dividends for the person who develops the 
mental strength to do it; and that is what it takesmental 

Build your image now and develop the mental strength to 
hold it。 

A number of years ago; prior to Napoleon Hill's death; 
Earl Nightingale condensed and narrated Think and Grow 
Rich onto a longplaying record。 At the end of the record Mr。 
Hill es on to close the record。 He said; 〃And now as I 
stretch out the hand of friendship through time and space; let 
me remind you; not to go searching for opportunity in the 
distance; but reach out and embrace it right where you are。〃 

Wattles said; 〃This thinking stuff; permeates and 
perates the entire universe。〃 They are both telling us the 
same thing。 So build your image now; right where you are。 
Don't even wait until you finish this book。 Build it now and let 
the remaining pages in this book strengthen the image。 You 
don't even have to try; just let the image of a more prosperous 
you float to the center of your consciousness。 It's already here; 
so let it appear。 

For many years now; I have been very aware of the power 
that flows through you to acplish good in your life; when 
you hold the proper image in your mind; and this great truth 
has been responsible for many wonderful things happening in 
my own life。 Moreover; I have also seen numerous examples of 
what a proper image will do in the lives of other people。 

Paul Hutsey's Story 

I would be remiss if I concluded this chapter without 
sharing Paul Hutsey's story with you。 It all began when I 
received a telephone call from Charlie Beck; who was the Vice 
President of Sales for the southwestern Home Office of the 
Prudential Insurance pany of America; in Houston; Texas。 
He invited me to speak at the pany's Regional Business 
Conferences; to be held in Toronto; Canada。 He explained they 
had four different regions and each region was ing in for 
three days to the conference。 (This meant that they wanted me 
to work in Toronto for approximately 12 days。) Although I was 
living in Los Angeles at the time; Toronto was my home town
where I grew up。 My family and friends all lived there; so 
naturally the idea appealed to me。 But I asked Charlie how 
long I could have on the program and he said; 〃about an 
hour。〃 I think it is worth mentioning; at this point; that I have 
not as yet learned to teach anyone much in an hour; and I told 
him so。 I explained that if he would give me two mornings on 
the programwith each regionI would be glad to e and do 
the job for him。 I wanted two and onehalf hours each 

Charlie's southern accent was interrupted by a real deep 
belly laugh as he explained that they had never done anything 
like that; in the 100 year hi

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