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Born Rich-富贵门(英文版)-第10章

小说: Born Rich-富贵门(英文版) 字数: 每页3500字

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back lean and he found that it was good。 He then called the 
thing a 〃chair。〃 The word 〃chair〃 is a symbol that has a 
corresponding image and when you see or hear the symbol 
chair; it triggers an image on the screen of your mind。 From 

that day to this; others have been building images of more 
fortable chairschairs with padding; chairs that fold and 
chairs that recline。 Then someone got lonely sitting alone and 
the person began to think and they built an image in their 
mind of a very long chair。 They constructed that long chair; 
found it was good and they called it a 〃sofa。〃 

Need we continue? Someone got tired of sleeping under a 
tree and they built an image of a roof over their head and on 
and on we go。 Out of the cave into a condominium。 We have 
truly built the world we live in。 

Columbus imaged a new world and you and I are living in 
it。 The Wright Brothers imaged us being propelled through the 
air and introduced us to a new kingdom。 Samuel Morse 
imaged himself interrupting the flow of energy through 
metallic wires and gave us the telegraph with the Morse code。 
Copernicus imaged a multiplicity of worlds and now we have 
been there。 

Through the years; history has recorded the results of 
great visionaries。 In fact; everything ever acplished was at 
first; and for a time; nothing more than an image held in the 
mind of the architect。 Realize; now; that you too are the 
〃mental architect〃 of your own destiny。 

Going To The Movies 

Consider this: Jack Nicklaus; the world famous golfer; 
explains he will not even pick up a club until he has a very 
clear image on the screen of his mind; showing exactly how 
the ball will fly through the air; how it will hit the ground and 
where it will roll after it hits。 Nicklaus calls this 〃going to the 
movies〃 and he has bee so proficient at it that he has 
bee known throughout the world。 Fame and fortune are 
his for the asking。 

In a previous paragraph; I made reference to the 
statement by Wallace D。 Wattles: 〃There is a thought stuff that 
permeates; perates and fills the interspaces of the cosmos。〃 

In truth; there is a thought stuff everywhere around you and 
within you。 So bee aware of this truth and tap into it now。 
Use it to form an image on the screen of your mind; see 
yourself already in possession of the amount of money you 
want; to provide the things you need; to live in the style you 
choose to live。 

Personal Prosperity 

You are using mental faculties that everyone has。 They 
are exactly the same mental faculties used by Copernicus; 
Buddha and Morse whom we previously mentioned。 You might 
have formed the habit of thinking that people like those just 
mentioned are different than you and I。 But I want you to 
know the only difference between you and them; or anyone 
else; is only in appearance and acplishments。 We all live in 
different physical bodies and we all use our inherent mental 
faculties in a different way; but our basic structure is 
fundamentally the same。 

I am well aware there are many professors and other 
professional people who will tell you what I have just said is a 
lot of nonsense。 But disbelievers like these have always existed 
and they are; in my opinion; little people。 For all of the truly 
great leaders are in plete agreement with what I have just 
explained; about your equality with great people of the past 
and present。 

Even Jesus tried to tell the world; as he was doing his 
great work some two thousand years ago; that you too were 
capable of doing what he was doing。 In fact; He even went a 
step further in saying; 〃Even greater things are you capable 
of。〃 Believe Him; He spoke the truth。 The little people will say; 
that is not what He meant。 But let me assure you; it is exactly 
what Jesus meant。 If you can see it and believe ityou can do 

Napoleon Hill spent almost his entire life studying five 
hundred of the world's greatest achievers and the essence of 
his exhaustive studies and writings is contained in his great 

book; Think and Grow Rich。 〃Whatever the mind can conceive 
and believe it can achieve。〃 Not many people believe this; but 
the ones who do; prove it to themselves。 Why don't you prove 
it to yourself; now。 

Just build the image of prosperity on the screen of your 
mind and watch what happens。 Remember though; regardless 
of how tough things get; you must continue to hold the picture 
of personal prosperity。 You will very likely run up against a 
series of circumstances that will; for a time; almost have you 
convinced you are actually going backwards; but; persistence 
is the key。 Continue to hold the picture of personal prosperity 
and understand that what is happening to you; is what must 
happen; to prepare you to receive the good you desire。 

〃Persistence〃Napoleon Hill devoted an entire chapter in 
Think and Grow Rich to persistence。 In that chapter he said; 
〃There may be no heroic connotation to the word persistence; 
but the character is to the quality of man what carbon is to 
steel。〃 Hill also pointed out in another part of the same 
chapter; that the only thing which separated Thomas Edison 
or Henry Ford from the rest of the people in the world was 
persistence。 For both of these great men had an image and 
they would not let anyone or anything dissuade themthey 
were persistent。 One illuminated the world; the other put the 
world on wheels。 Both were; of course; richly rewarded。 

In a previous chapter; we explained money is a reward for 
service rendered。 These men provided a tremendous service to 
millions of individuals and their reward was in direct 
proportion to the service rendered。 So build your image of 
prosperity and be persistent。 The way for your image to 
materialize will be shown to you。 Persistence Always Pays 

A number of years ago; John Kanary; a friend and 
business partner of mine; was discussing Hill's chapter on 
〃persistence〃 with me。 We both seemed to be equally 
impressed with the importance of this quality; as well as with 
the necessity of a person having it; if they were to reach any 
worthwhile goal。 After a time and nearing the end of our 

discussion; we each agreed we would read the chapter on 
〃persistence〃; once every day for thirty days。 I don't even have 
to ask John to find out if this exercise helped himI know it 
did; and the exercise has most certainly benefited me on 
numerous occasions。 

There is an interesting story concerning John Kanary; 
which would be very appropriate to share with you here; since 
it illustrates both the power of 〃imaging;〃 as well as 

Although I had known John Kanary for a couple of years 
and had talked with him on many occasions; I certainly did 
not know him as intimately as I do at the time of this writing。 
It is important that I bring this out here; as I will be referring 
back to it shortly。 The incident I am about to relate; took place 
in 1971。 

I was living in Chicago at the time and had just 
pleted a speaking engagement in Edmonton; Alberta。 
When I returned to my room; there was a telephone message 
for me to call John Kanary; in Belleville; Ontario; Canada。 I 
returned the call and after a couple of minutes of small talk; 
John said it was rather important that he meet with me; as he 
had something he wanted to discuss and he preferred not to 
〃go into it〃 on the telephone。 I asked John to wait while I 
looked over my calendar; it was; in the vernacularpacked 
tight。 I was busy; to say the least; almost every day I had 
either a seminar or speaking engagement in a different city in 
North America。 I explained this to John and told him that 
although I would love to visit; I really didn't know when I 
could。 John was persistent; so I said; 〃Listen; I'm leaving 
Edmonton for Chicago tonight at midnight。 To get to Chicago I 
have to go through Toronto。 I'll arrive there at 7 a。m。 I'll have 
to change terminals and I leave from the second terminal; one 
hour and fifty minutes later。 I'll be happy to talk to you then; 
although I don't promise to be too alert after flying all night。〃 

It is also worth mentioning 

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