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一千零一夜-天方夜谭-1001 Nights(英文版)-第72章

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When the king heard the dyer's story; he was exceeding wroth and said to him; 'Keep this secret。' Then he betook himself to the bath; that he might dispel doubt with assurance; and when he entered; Abousir put off his clothes and betaking himself 'as of wont' to the service of the king; proceeded to shampoo him; after which he said to him; 'O king of the age; I have made an unguent for removing the hair from the privy parts。' 'Bring it to me;' said the king。 So the barber brought it to him and the king; finding it nauseous of smell; was assured that it was poison; wherefore he was incensed and called out to his guards; saying; 'Seize him!' So they seized him and the king donned his clothes and returned to his palace; boiling with rage; whilst none knew the cause of his anger; for; of the excess of his wrath; he had acquainted no one therewith and none dared ask him。 Then he repaired to the audiencechamber and causing Abousir to be brought before him; with his hands bound behind his back; sent for his seacaptain and said to him; 'Take this villain and tie him in a sack e。 Then lay him in a boat and row out with him in front of my palace; where thou wilt see me sitting at the lattice。 Do thou say to me; 〃Shall I cast him in?〃 and if I answer; 〃Cast;〃 throw him into the sea; so the lime may be slaked on him; to the intent that he shall die drowned and burnt。'

'I hear and obey;' answered the captain and taking Abousir; carried him to an island; that lay over against the king's palace; where he said to him; 'Harkye; I once visited thy bath and thou entreatedst me with honour and acplishedst all my wants and I had great pleasure of thee: moreover; thou sworest that thou wouldst take no pay of me; and I love thee with a great love。 So tell me how the case stands between thee and the king and what abomination thou hast done with him that he is wroth with thee and hath manded me that thou shouldst die this horrid death。' 'By Allah; O my brother;' answered Abousir; 'I have done nothing; nor do I know of any crime I have mitted against him that merits this!' 'Verily;' rejoined the captain; 'thou wast in high favour with the king; such as none ever enjoyed before thee; and all who are prosperous are envied。 Belike some one envied thee thy good fortune and missaid of thee to the king; by reason whereof he is bee thus enraged against thee: but be of good cheer; no harm shall befall thee: for; even as thou entreatedst me generously; without knowledge of me; so now I will deliver thee。 But; if I release thee; thou must abide with me in this island till some galleon set sail from the city to thy native land; when I will send thee thither therein。'

Abousir kissed his hand and thanked him for this; after which the captain fetched the lime and laid it in a sack; together with a great stone; the bigness of a man; saying; 'I put my trust in God。' Then he gave the barber a ; saying; 'Cast this  into the sea; so haply thou mayst take somewhat of fish。 For I am bounden to furnish the king's kitchen with fish every day; but today I have been distracted from fishing by this calamity that hath befallen thee; and I fear lest the cook's servants e to me in quest of fish and find none。 So; if thou take aught; they will find it and thou wilt veil my face; (193) whilst I go and play off my device in front of the palace and feign to cast thee into the sea。' 'Go;' answered Abousir; 'and God be thy helper。 I will fish the while。'

So the captain laid the sack in the boat and rowed till he came under the palace; where he saw the king seated at the lattice and said to him; 'O king of the age; shall I Cast him in?' 'Cast;' answered the king and signed to him with his hand; whereupon something flashed and fell into the sea。 Now this that had fallen into the sea was the king's sealring; which was enchanted on such wise that; when the king was wroth with any one and was minded to slay him; he had but to sign to him with his right hand; whereon was the ring; and there issued lightning therefrom; which smote the offender; and thereupon his head fell from his shoulders。 It was this ring that gave him authority over the troops; nor did he overe the mighty save by means thereof; so; when it dropped from his finger; he concealed the matter and kept silence; for that he dared not say; 'My ring is fallen into the sea;' for fear of the troops; lest they should rise against him and slay him。

Meanwhile; Abousir cast the  into the sea and drew it up full of fish。 Then he cast it again and it came up full of fish; nor did he cease to cast it and pull it up full; till there was a great heap of fish before him。 So he said to himself; 'By Allah; I have not eaten fish this long while!' And chose himself a large fat fish; saying; 'When the captain es back; I will bid him fry it for me; so I may make the morning meal of it。' Then he cut its throat with a knife he had with him; but the knife stuck in its gills and there he saw the king's sealring; for the fish had swallowed it and destiny had driven it to the island; where it had fallen into the 。 So he took the ring and put it on his little finger; not knowing its properties。 Presently; up came two of the cook's underlings in quest of fish and seeing Abousir; said to him; 'O man; whither is the captain gone?' 'I know not;' answered he and signed to them with his right hand; when; behold; their heads dropped from their shoulders。

At this Abousir was amazed and said; 'I wonder who slew them!' And their case was grievous to him and he was still musing upon it; when the captain returned and seeing the two men lying dead and the ring on Abousir's finger; said to him; 'O my brother; move not thy hand whereon is the ring; else thou wilt slay me。' Abousir wondered at this speech and the captain ing up to him; said; 'Who slew these two men?' 'By Allah; O my brother;' answered the barber; 'I know not!' 'Thou sayst sooth;' rejoined the captain; 'but tell me whence hadst thou that ring?' Quoth Abousir; 'I found it in this fish's gills。' ' True;' said the captain; 'for I saw it fall flashing from the king's palace and disappear in the sea; what time he signed toward 'the sack in which he deemed' thee 'to be'; saying; 〃Cast him in。〃 So I cast the sack into the water; and it was then that the ring slipped from his finger and fell into the sea; where the fish swallowed it; and God drove it to thee; so that thou tookest it; for this ring was thy lot; but knowest thou its property?' 'I knew not that it had any properties;' answered Abousir; and the captain said; 'Know; then; that the king's troops obey him not save for fear of this ring; for it is enchanted; and when he was wroth with any one and had a mind to put him to death; he would sign at him therewith and his head would drop from his shoulders; for there issued a lightning from the ring and its ray smote the object of his wrath; who died forthright。'

At this; Abousir rejoiced with an exceeding joy and said to the captain; 'Carry me back to the city。' 'That will I;' answered he; 'now that I no longer fear for thee from the king; for; wert thou to sign at him with thy hand; purposing to kill him; his head would fall down before thee; and if thou be minded to slay him and all his troops; thou mayst do so without hindrance。' So saying; he embarked with him in the boat and rowed him back to the city; where Abousir landed and going up to the palace; entered the councilchamber; where he found the king seated in the midst of his officers; sore concerned by reason of the ring and daring not tell any of its loss。

When he saw Abousir; he said to him; 'Did we not cast thee into the sea? How hast thou made shift to e forth therefrom?' 'O king of the age;' answered Abousir; 'whenas thou badst throw me into the sea; thy captain carried me to an island and questioned me of the cause of thy wrath against me; saying; 〃What hast thou done with the king; that he should decree thy death?〃 〃By Allah;〃 answered I; 〃I know not that I have offended against him in aught!〃 Quoth he; 〃Thou wast in high favour with the king; and most like some one envied thee and slandered thee to him; so that he is bee incensed against thee。 But; when I visited thee in thy bath; thou entreatedst me hospitably; and I will requit

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