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一千零一夜-天方夜谭-1001 Nights(英文版)-第38章

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u send her not back with me of free will; I will return to her father and cause him despatch thee an army; wherewith I will e upon you from the landward and the seaward and the van whereof shall be at your capital city; whilst the rear is yet on the Euphrates; and they shall lay waste thy dominions。' When the Khalif heard these words from the vizier of the King of France; the light in his face became darkness and he was exceeding wroth at his speech and said to him; 'O accursed one; O dog of the Nazarenes; who art thou that thou shouldst dare to e out against me with the King of the Franks?' 'Then to his guards;' 'Take this accursed fellow and put him to death;' and he repeated the following verse:

  This is the repense of those Who their superiors' will oppose。 
Then he manded to cut off the vizier's head and burn his body; but Meryem said; 'O mander of the Faithful; defile not thy sword with the blood of this accursed wretch。' So saying; she drew her sword and smote him and made his head fly from his body; and he went to the house of perdition; his abode was Gehenna and evil is the abidingplace 'to which he went'。 The Khalif marvelled at the power of her arm and the strength of her mind; and they carried the dead vizier forth of the palace and burnt him。 Then the mander of the Faithful bestowed upon Noureddin a splendid dress of honour and assigned them a lodging in his palace。 Moreover; he appointed them stipends and allowances and manded to supply them with all that they needed of raiment and furniture and vessels of price。

They sojourned awhile in Baghdad in all delight and solace of life; till Noureddin longed for his mother and father。 So he expounded the matter to the Khalif and sought his permission to repair to his native land and visit his kinsfolk; and he granted him the leave he sought and calling for Meryem; mended them to each other。 Moreover; he loaded them with costly presents and rarities and bade write letters to the amirs and scribes and notables of Cairo the 'God'guarded; mending Noureddin and his wife and parents to their care and charging them entreat them with the utmost honour。

When the news reached Cairo; the merchant Tajeddin rejoiced in the return of his son and Noureddin's mother likewise rejoiced therein with an exceeding joy。 The amirs and notables of the city went forth to meet him; in obedience to the Khalif's injunction; and indeed it was for them a notable day; wherein the lover and the beloved foregathered and the seeker attained the sought。 Moreover; all the amirs made them bridefeasts; each on his own day; and rejoiced in them with an exceeding joy and vied with each other in doing them honour。 When Noureddin foregathered with his father and mother; they rejoiced in each other with the utmost joy and care and affliction ceased from them; whilst his parents rejoiced no less in the Princess Meryem and entreated her with the utmost honour。 Every day; there came to them presents from all the amirs and great merchants; and they were daily in new delight and gladness exceeding the gladness of festival。 Then they abode in joy and pleasance and good cheer and abounding prosperity; eating and drinking and making merry; till there came to them the Destroyer of Delights and Sunderer of panies; he who layeth waste houses and palaces and peopleth the bellies of the tombs。 So they were removed from the world and became of the number of the dead; and glory be to the Living One; who dieth not and in whose hand are the keys of the Seen and the Unseen!


(Quoth the Amir Shijaeddin; Prefect of New Cairo) We lay one night in the house of a man of Upper Egypt; and he entertained us and entreated us with the utmost hospitality。 Now he was an old man; exceeding swarthy of favour; and he had little children; who were white; of a white mingled with red。 So we said to him; 'Harkye; such an one; how es it that these thy children are white; whilst thou thyself art exceeding sother was a Frank woman; whom I took in the days of El Melik en Nasir Selaheddin; (116) after the battle of Hittin; (117) when I was a young man。' 'And how gottest thou her?' asked we; and he said; 'I had a rare adventure with her。' Quoth we; 'Favour us with it;' and he answered; 'With all my heart。

Know that I once sowed a crop of flax in these parts and pulled it and scutched it and spent five hundred dinars on it; after which I would have sold it; but could get no more than this 'that I had spent' for it; and the folk said to me; 〃Carry it to Acre: for there thou wilt assuredly make a good profit by it。〃 Now Acre was then in the hands of the Franks; (118) so I carried my flax thither and sold part of it at six months' credit。 One day; as I was selling; there came up a Frankish woman; (now it is the custom of the women of the Franks to go about the marketplace 'and the streets' with unveiled faces;) to buy flax of me; and I saw of her beauty what dazzled my wit。 So I sold her somewhat of flax and was easy with her concerning the price; and she took it and went away。 Some days after; she returned and bought more flax of me and I was yet easier with her about the price; and she repeated her visits to me; seeing that I was in love with her。

Now she was used to go in pany of an old woman ; so I said to the latter; 〃I am sore enamoured of thy mistress。 Canst thou contrive to bring me to enjoy her?〃 Quoth she; 〃I will contrive this for thee; but the secret must not go beyond us three; and needs must thou be lavish with money; to boot。〃 And I answered; 〃Though my life were the price of her favours; it were no great matter。〃 So it was agreed that I should pay her fifty dinars and that she should e to me; whereupon I procured the money and gave it to the old woman。 She took it and said; 〃Make ready a place for her in thy house; and she will e to thee this night。〃 So I went home and made ready what I could of meat and drink and wax candles and sweet meats。 Now my house overlooked the sea and it was the season of summer; so I spread the bed on the roof of the house。

Presently; the Frank woman came and we ate and drank and the night fell down。 We lay down under the sky; with the moon shining on us; and fell to watching the reflection of the stars in the sea: and I said to myself; 〃Art thou not ashamed before God (to whom belong might and majesty!) and thou a stranger; under the heavens and in presence of the sea; to disobey Him with a Nazarene woman and merit the fiery torment?〃 Then said I; 〃O my God; I call thee to witness that I abstain from this Christian woman this night; of shamefastness before Thee and fear of Thy wrath!〃 So I slept till the morning; and she arose at peep of day and went away; full of anger。 I went to my shop and sat there; and presently she passed; as she were the moon; followed by the old woman; who was angry; whereat my heart sank within me and I said to myself; 〃Who art thou that thou shouldst forbear yonder damsel? Art thou Seri es Seketi or Bishr Barefoot or Junaid of Baghdad or Fuzail ben Iyaz?〃 (119)

Then I ran after the old woman and said to her; 〃Bring her to me again。〃 〃By the virtue of the Messiah;〃 answered she; 〃she will not return to thee but for a hundred dinars!〃 Quoth I; 〃I will give thee a hundred dinars。〃 So I paid her the money and the damsel came to me a second time; but no sooner was she with me than I returned to my former way of thinking and abstained from her and forbore her for the sake of God the Most High。 So she went away and I betook me to my shop; and presently the old woman came up; in a rage。 Quoth I to her; 〃Bring her to me again。〃 And she answered; 〃By the virtue of the Messiah; thou shalt never again rejoice in her presence with thee; except for five hundred dinars; and thou shalt perish miserably!〃 At this I trembled and resolved to sacrifice the whole price of my flax and ransom myself therewith。 But; before I could think; I heard the crier proclaiming and saying; 〃Ho; all ye Muslims; the truce that was between us and you is expired; and we give all of you who are here a week from this time to make an end of your business and depart to your own country。〃

So her visits were cut off from me and I betook myself to getting in the p

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