叉叉电子书 > 文学电子书 > 巴斯克维尔猎犬(英文版) >



小说: 巴斯克维尔猎犬(英文版) 字数: 每页3500字

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‘This time it will be pletely safe.I know that you are brave enough to do it,and it must be done.’

‘Then I will do it.’

‘But you must keep to the path between the Stapletons’house and the Grimpen road,which is your natural way home.Do not leave the path.’

I was very surprised by all this.Holmes had told Stapleton that he would return to London,but he had not said that I was going too.And I was very worried that neither of us would be with Sir Henry when he walked across the moor that night.But we had to obey Holmes' orders.

Holmes and I left Baskerville Hall immediately after break fast and went to the station at Newtown.A small boy was waiting on the platform.

‘Any orders,sir?’he asked Holmes.

‘You will take the train to London,my boy.When you get there,you will send a telegram to Sir Henry in my name.It will ask him to send to me at Baker Street the pocket book I left at the Hall.’

I began to understand some of Holmes’ plan.When Sir Hen ry received the telegram sent by Holmes’ boy,he would think that we had arrived in London.He would tell Stapleton,who would then also believe that we were far away from Baskerville Hall.In fact,we would be very close in case Sir Henry needed us.

We left the station and went to see Mrs Laura Lyons.I in troduced Holmes to her.After they had shaken hands,he said:‘Dr Watson has told me everything,Mrs Lyons.We see Sir Charles’death as a case of murder.Both Stapleton and his wife are suspects.

Mrs Lyons jumped from her chair.‘His wife!’she cried.‘ He has no wife.He is not a married man.’

‘I have e here ready to prove that he is married,and the woman calls herself his sister is really his wife,’said Holmes.He took some photographs and papers from his pocket,and showed them to Mrs Lyons.She looked at the photographs and read the papers.When she put them down,I could see that she had accepted the truth.

‘I thought this man loved me,’ she said,‘but he has lied to me.Ask me what you like,Mr Holmes,and I will tell you the truth.I never thought any harm would e to Sir Charles.He was a dear old gentleman who was very kind to me.I would do nothing to hurt him.’

‘I believe you,Mrs Lyons,’said Holmes.‘Now,let me tell you what I think happened.You can tell me If I'm right or if I'm wrong.First of all,I think Stapleton told you to write the letter to Sir Charles and to ask him for help.He also told you to ask Sir Charles to meet you at the moor gate.Then,after you had sent the letter,Stapleton persuaded you not to meet Sir Charles after all.’

‘Stapleton told me that he could not allow any other man to give me the money for my divorce,’Mrs Lyons said.‘He said he was poor,but he would give all his money to bring us to gether.Then,after I heard about Sir Charles’ death,Stapleton told me to say nothing about my letter and the meeting.He said I would be a suspect.He frightened me into staying silent.’

‘Yes,’said Holmes.‘But you wondered about him?’

She said nothing for a moment,and looked down.‘ Yes,’she said.‘ But since he has lied to me about marrying me,I will no longer keep his secrets.’

‘You are lucky that you have escaped him,’Holmes said.‘You know too much But I hope you are safe now.Good morning,Mrs Lyons,and thank you.You will hear from us soon.’

‘So one by one our questions are answered,’said Holmes as we left Newtown.‘When it is over,this will be one of the most famous cases of our time.And now it has nearly ended.We must hope that it ends safely and successfully.’


16  The Hound of the Baskervilles 


That evening Holmes and I drove across the moor until we could see the lights of the Stapletons’ house in front of us.Then we got out and began to walk very quietly along the path towards the house.When we were very close,Holmes told me to stop.He took his revolver from his pocket,and I did the same.

‘We shall hide behind these rocks,’ he whispered.‘ Watson,you know the house,so I want you to go forward and look through the windows.I want to know where the Staple- tons and Sir Henry are,and what they are doing.Take great care,because they must not know that somebody is watching them.’

Very carefully and quietly I moved towards the house.I looked first into the diningroom window.Statleton and Sir Henry were sitting and smoking their cigars,but there was no sign of Miss Stapleton.I moved round to the other windows,but I could not see her in any of the rooms.

I went back to the diningroom window,and as I looked in again,Stapleton left the room and came out of the house.He went to a hut beside the house,and unlocked the door.I heard a strange sound ing from the hut,but I could not think what was making the noise.Then Stapleton locked the door,and went back into the house and into the diningroom.

I went back to Holmes and told him what I had seen.He wanted to know where Miss Stapleton was,and I had to tell him twice that there was no sign of her in the house.

The moon was shining on the Great Grimpen Marsh,and a fog was rising from it Holmes watched the fog and began to look worried The fog was creeping up from the marsh towards the house.We were hidden near the path,which was on the far side of the house from the marsh.

‘The fog is moving towards us,Watson,and that is very serious,’said Holmes.‘It is the one thing that could make my plans go wrong.’

As we watched,the fog,which had crept as far as the house,began to flow round it.Angrily Holmes hit the rock in front of us with his open hand.

‘If Sir Henry doesn't e out in the next quarter of an hour,the path will be covered by the fog.In half an hour we shall not be able to see our hands in front of our faces.We must move back to higher ground above the fog.’

We moved away from the house and out of the fog,which was creeping slowly along the ground and hiding the path from our view.

‘We must not go too far,’said Holmes.‘If we do,Sir Henry may be caught before he reaches us.’

Holmes went down on one knee,and put his ear to the ground.‘Thank heaven,I think I hear him ing.’

Then we heard quick footsteps on the path.After a few moments,Sir Henry appeared out of the fog and walked on in the clear moonlight.He came quickly along the path,passed close to where we were hidden,and began to walk up the hill behind us.As he walked,he looked over his shoulder again and again,like a man who is worried that something is following him.

‘Listen!’said Holmes sharply.‘Look out!It's ing!’

I heard him make his revolver ready to fire,and I did the same.

There was a sound of quick,light footsteps from inside the curtain of fog.The thick cloud had crept to within fifty metres of where we were hidden.We tried to see into it,and wondered what horrible thing would appear.I looked at Holmes.His eyes were fixed on the place where the path disappeared into the fog.He was pale,but his eyes were bright.He looked like a man who was going to win the most important game of his life.Then suddenly his eyes nearly jumped out of his head,and his mouth opened in frightened surprise.I looked away from him to see what his eyes were fixed on.When I saw the awful shape that was ing towards us out of the fog,my blood turned cold.The revolver nearly fell from my hands,and my whole body froze with fear.

I saw a hound,an enormous black hound.It was bigger than any dog I had ever seen.But it was something else that filled us with terror.No human eye had ever seen a hound like this one.Fire came from its open mouth.Its eyes were burning.Flames covered its head and body.It was a more horrible sight than anyone could imagine—a hellhound sent by the devil.It was not a creature of the natural world.

The huge,black,burning hound ran quickly and silently after Sir Henry.Far away along the path we saw him turn and look back at the hound.His face was white in the moonlight and his hands were lifted in horror.He watched helplessly as the terrible creature got closer to him.We were so frozen bythe ghostly and unnatural sight 

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