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小说: 三国演义英文版 字数: 每页3500字

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west end of the temple。 His brother; Cao De; drawing his sword; went out to see what it was about; and Cao De was at once cut down。 Cao Song seized one of the concubines by the hand; rushed with her through the passage toward the back of the temple so that they might escape。 But the lady was stout and could not get through the narrow doors; so the two hid in one of the small outhouses at the side。 However; they were seen and slain。
The unhappy Governor Ying Shao fled for his life to Yuan Shao。 The murderers fled into the South of River Huai with their plunder after having set fire to the old temple。

Cao Cao; whom the ages praise;
Slew his hosts on his former flight;
Nemesis never turns aside;
Murdered too his family died。

Some of the escort escaped and took the evil tidings to Cao Cao。 When he heard it he fell to the earth with a great cry。 They raised him。
With set teeth he muttered; 〃Tao Qian's people have slain my father: No longer can the same sky cover us。 I will sweep Xuzhou off the face of the earth。 Only thus can I satisfy my vengeance。〃
Cao Cao left one small army of thirty thousand under Xun Yu and Cheng Yu to guard the east headquarters and the three counties of Juancheng; Fanxia; and Dongjun。 Then he set forth with all the remainder to destroy Xuzhou and avenge his father。 Xiahou Dun; Yu Jin; and Dian Wei were Van Leaders with Cao Cao's orders to slaughter all the inhabitants of each captured city。
Now the Governor of Jiujiang; Bian Rang; was a close friend of Tao Qian。 Hearing Xuzhou was threatened; Bian Rang set out with five thousand troops to his friend's aid。 Angered by this move; Cao Cao sent Xiahou Dun to stop and kill Bian Rang while still on the march。

'e' Chen Gong is the magistrate who spared Cao Cao after Cao Cao failed to assassinate Dong Zhuo。 Chen Gong and Cao Cao then traveled as fugitives to Qiao; but they parted haft way。 (chapter 4)
At this time Chen Gong was in office in Dongjun; and he was also on friendly terms with Tao Qian。 Hearing of Cao Cao's design to destroy the whole population; Chen Gong came in haste to see his former panion*。 Cao Cao; knowing Chen Gong's errand; put him off at first and would not see him。 But then Cao Cao could not forget the kindness he had formerly received from Chen Gong; and presently the visitor was called to his tent。
Chen Gong said; 〃They say you go to avenge your father's death on Xuzhou; to destroy its people。 I have e to say a word。 Imperial Protector Tao Qian is humane and a good man。 He is not looking out for his own advantage; careless of the means and of others。 Your worthy father met his unhappy death at the hands of Zhang Kai。 Tao Qian is guiltless。 Still more innocent are the people; and to slay them would be an evil。 I pray you think over it。〃
Cao Cao retorted angrily; 〃You once abandoned me and now you have the impudence to e to see me! Tao Qian slew my whole family; and I will tear his heart out in revenge。 I swear it! You may speak for your friend and say what you will。 I shall be as if I heard not。〃
Intercession had failed。 Chen Gong sighed and took his leave。
He said; 〃Alas! I cannot go to Tao Qian and look upon his face。〃
So Chen Gong rode off to the county of Chenliu to give service to Governor Zhang Miao。
Cao Cao's army of revenge laid waste whatever place it passed through; slaying the people and desecrating their cemeteries。
When Tao Qian heard the terrible tidings; he looked up to heaven; saying; 〃I must be guilty of some fault before Heaven to have brought this evil upon my people!〃
He called together his officials to consult。
One of them; Cao Bao; said; 〃Now the enemy is upon us: We cannot sit and await death with folded hands。 I for one will help you to make a fight。〃
Tao Qian reluctantly sent the army out。 From a distance he saw Cao Cao's army spread abroad like frost and rushed far and wide like snow。 In their midst was a large white flag and on both sides was written Vengeance 。
When he had ranged his troops; Cao Cao rode out dressed in mourning white and abused Tao Qian。
But Tao Qian advanced; and from beneath his ensign he bowed low and said; 〃I wished to make friends with you; Illustrious Sir; and so I sent Zhang Kai to escort your family。 I knew not that his rebel heart was still unchanged。 The fault does not lie at my door as you must see。〃
〃You old wretch! You killed my father; and now you dare mumble this nonsense;〃 said Cao Cao。
And he asked who would go out and seize Tao Qian。
Xiahou Dun undertook this service and rode out。 Tao Qian fled to the inner portion of his array; and as Xiahou Dun came on; Cao Bao went to meet him。 But just as the two horses met; a hurricane burst over the spot; and the flying dust and pebbles threw both sides into the utmost confusion。 Both drew off。
Tao Qian retired into the city and called his officers to council。
〃The force against us is too strong;〃 said he。 〃I will give myself up as a prisoner and let him wreak his vengeance on me。 I may save the people。〃
But a voice was heard saying; 〃You have long ruled here; and the people love you。 Strong as the enemy are; they are not necessarily able to break down our walls; especially when defended by you and your people。 I have a scheme to suggest that I think will make Cao Cao die in a place where he will not find burial。〃
These bold words startled the assembly; and they eagerly asked what the scheme was。

Making overtures for friendship; Tao Qian encountered deadly hate。
But; where danger seemed most threatening; he discovered safety's gate。

The next chapter will disclose who the speaker was。
 Main Next to Chapter 11 》》

   Romance of Three Kingdoms … by Luo Guanzhong … Chapter 11
 Chapter 11
Liu Bei Rescues Kong Rong At Beihai;
Lu Bu Defeats Cao Cao Near Puyang。
It was one Mi Zhu who said he knew how to defeat Cao Cao utterly。 Mi Zhu came of a wealthy family of merchants in Donghai and trading in Luoyang。 One day traveling homeward from that city in a carriage; he met an exquisitely beautiful lady trudging along the road; who asked him to let her ride。 He stopped and yielded his place to her。 She invited him to share the seat with her。 He mounted; but sat rigidly upright; never even glancing in her direction。 They traveled thus for some miles when she thanked him and alighted。
Just as she left she said; 〃I am the Goddess of Fire from the Southern Land。 I am on my way to execute a decree of the Supreme God to burn your dwelling; but your extreme courtesy has so deeply touched me that I now warn you。 Hasten homeward; remove your valuables; for I must arrive tonight。〃
Thereupon she disappeared。 Mi Zhu hastily finished his journey and; as soon as he arrived; moved everything out of his house。 Sure enough that night a fire started in the kitchen and involved the whole house。 After this he devoted his wealth to relieving the poor and forting the afflicted。 Tao Qian gave him the magistracy office he then held。
The plan Mi Zhu proposed was this: 〃I will go to Beihai and beg Governor Kong Rong to help。 Another should go to Qingzhou on a similar mission to get the help from Imperial Protector Tien Kai。 If the armies of these two places march on Cao Cao; he will certainly retire。〃
Tao Qian accepted the plan and wrote two letters。 He asked for a volunteer to go to Qingzhou; and a certain Chen Deng offered himself and; after he had left; Mi Zhu was formally entrusted with the mission to the north。 Meanwhile Tao Qian and his generals would hold the city as they could。
Kong Rong was a native of Qufu in the old state of Lu。 He was one of the twentieth generation in descent from the great Teacher Confucius。 Kong Rong had been noted as a very intelligent lad; somewhat precocious。 When ten years old he had gone to see Li Ying; the Governor of Henan; but the doorkeeper demurred to letting him in。
But when Kong Rong said; 〃I am Minister Li Ying's intimate friend;〃 he was admitted。
Li Ying asked Kong Rong what relations had existed between their families that might justify the term intimate。
The boy replied; 〃Of old my ancestor Confucius questioned your ancestor; the Taoist sage Laozi; concerning ceremonies。 So our families have known each other for many generations。〃
Li Ying was astonished at the boy's ready wit。

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